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(121) Most transitive verbs govern the accusative case in German. (122) The Hague rules also govern the agencies' accreditation. (123) their incapacity to govern effectively. (124) Tool forces govern selection of the workholding device. (125) In Britain the sovereign reigns but does not govern. (126) For all its sins, it did have enough cohesion and concentration of authority to govern. (127) The following are some laws from the Code of Hammurabi. Subjects of the Babylonian Empire could find a law to govern just about everything they did. (128) What do you get when you put a bunch of chief executives from different industries into a corporate board room and ask them to govern a company? (129) Natural elegance deals with the "feel" a website or application expresses through its behavior over time, and which is rooted in the rules of order that govern nature. (130) Power, life, and death in rural Pakistan turn on land, particularly the neo-feudal and corrupt practices that govern its ownership and control. (131) When you create a new life cycle in Studio, what actually happens is that you create a new composite life cycle, and when you initially govern an object, you select the desired composite life cycle. (132) Annotations are defined that govern injection of method parameters and class members, which provide valuable contextual information to applications during runtime. (133) The community of scholars has rules that govern how dissertations, theses and other academic papers are composed and formatted. (134) The equations defining the zero - order perturbation simply govern the static solution. (135) Parsing property for access to syntax rules that govern inter - field relationships in message content. (136) The crisis of 1629-60 originated in Charles I's belief that by the royal prerogative he could govern without the advice and consent of Parliament. (137) Thereout, imperfection of listed company govern construction is a important reason of influence accounting information quality. (138) Such meetings supplement the work of the curia —an administrative body made up of congregations, councils, and commissions—in helping the pope govern the Roman Catholic Church. (139) In the year following his term of consulship, the proconsul held imperial authority outside of Rome in whichever province he was assigned to govern. (140) Apart from the fact that twenty-seven acts of Parliament govern the terms of advertising, no regular advertiser dare promote a product that fails to live up to the promise of his advertisements. (141) Their work includes the identification of genes which govern the growth rate and fertility. (142) There are strict department of corrections guidelines that govern every aspect of an execution. (143) The laws of the place where the adoptee was normally resident at the time of the adoption or of the place where the court is located, will govern the dissolution of an adoptive relationship. (144) Beijing Hospital experts say, if the child up to the age of 12 hyperopic lower down, did not need to govern. (145) West Technocracy, an important social thought, claims that experts should govern society totally. (146) The Irrawaddy obtained a copy of the USDP's 81-page constitution which detailed its policies of how to govern the country if the party should dominate the upcoming election. (147) The Law is govern wrongful discharge and discrimination on the job. (148) Rules govern packet filtering by providing the firewall with instructions on what to do with packets coming from a certain source, going to a certain destination or having a specific protocol type. (149) Education make a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to enslave. (150) Esoteric rules govern when and under what circumstances tailpipe emissions are deemed hazardous.