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(151) Computational complexity theory is the study of the quantitative laws that govern computing. (152) Polysystem theory looks at norms that govern translational and other cultural activities from a descriptive perspective. (153) The findings will encourage the efforts of environmentalists and others who have been pushing for aggressive new regulations to govern hydrofluorocarbon chemicals. (154) The missionaries started out helping the sick on a minor scale, but soon things had gone so far that circumstances began to govern the missionaries. (155) But he was elected to govern, not to play for time. (156) Fanny looked on and listened, not unamused to observe the selfishness which, more or less disguised, seemed to govern them all, and wondering how it would end. (157) By means of a method of multiple scales we derive two coupled nonlinear envelope equations, which govern the evolution of two circularly polarized components of the probe field. (158) Deposits of foreign materials will change the sharp coutours which govern its coefficient of discharge. (159) In addition to reconciliation, Clinton will also be pressing the Afghans on reaching a binding security agreement that will govern U.S.-Afghanistan relations after American troops leave. (160) This is the American history that Bush govern of backset , the woe of the modern civilization! (161) WTO Agriculture Agreement is one of the most important rules that govern multi-trade system of agricultural products. (162) Public international law has been regarded as a system of principles and rules designed to govern relations between sovereign states. (163) Another set of laws and rules govern the balance of the rights of employees to keep their jobs and the rights of employers to fire workers who aren’t performing acceptably. (164) International standards that govern data display formats can change over time. (165) Outside director system improved the independent role of outside director and the state-owned stockholding company's govern structure. (166) People govern garbage mail have becometogether oppugn Internet virus important task. (167) And Jezebel his wife said unto him , Dost thou now govern the kingdom of Israel? (168) The Palestinian Authority must develop its capacity to govern, with institutions that serve the needs of its people. (169) In general, there are two kinds of method to govern velocity of press, one is throttle velocity governing, the other is volume velocity governing. (170) He devoted himself to writing out a long - term policy to govern the country. (171) The artistic humanities channel evening 11:10 will broadcast that suits the masculine looker-in the large-scale historical drama "Zhenguan To govern". (172) Every boiler should have an efficient thermostat to govern its output. (173) It is urgent for us to follow the reformation principles of gradual advance, classification and elasticity to carry out "many centers education system" and to govern coordinately. (174) Burgeoning India is hard enough to govern without disqualifying almost the entire population from becoming head of the country's biggest party. (175) It studies the internal structure of words and the rules that govern their formation. The morphology is generally divided into two fields: inflectional morphology and derivational morphology. (176) How to govern public affairs? It has always been one of the focuses of political and administrative science all through the ages. (177) The Code provides that the laws of the place where the adopter and adoptee are normally resident, will govern the adoption conditions and procedures. (178) He continues to govern -- fighting off legal challenges to his sovereign immunity and threats to his ruling majority -- until he dies in office. (179) The law of supply and demand govern the price of goods. (180) It can adopt frequency govern flame proof induction motor for explosionproof materials.