快好知 kuaihz

1, Guy, hoof this fellow out! 2, The horse snorted and stamped its hoof impatiently. 3, She's going to hoof there. 4, We missed the bus and had to hoof it. 5, I often have lunch on the hoof between two appointments. 6, Farmers wishing to sell finished stock on the hoof contact the company's field staff who video the animals intended for sale. 7, Murrain was usually fatal, while hoof and mouth disease permanently weakened animals without causing death. 8, In one of these potholes, Estrelita's front right hoof became trapped. 9, While fitzAlan hefted the grey's hoof and set to work, she glanced about, absently patting Chalon's velvety muzzle. 10, As you say, the hoof branding will not be visible when conditions are muddy. 11, The concave sole on the underside of the hoof is sensitive and not as hard as the outer wall. 12, And then she realised that the hoof beats of his horse had come to an abrupt stop. 13, So much for a passing game - hoof the ball into the other half and see what happens. 14, Now you could don solid-sequined tap shoes to hoof with Rosie and her tap team on an electronically amplified stop sign. 15, Piloted by Hoof Proudfoot, the Lightning flew with the undercarriage locked down for the 35 minute flight back to base. 16, Changes were being made on the hoof, and no records were being kept of what was being done and by whom. 17, But horses have yet to evolve a hoof suitable for constant wear on hard surfaces or rough stony tracks. 18, Except for a lame and swollen front hoof, the bull appeared fine, if dazed by all the commotion. 19, Mix used cooking oil into your hoof oil to make it go further. 20, I've got a meeting downtown in 20 minutes so I'll have lunch on the hoof. 21, The last bus had gone so we had to hoof it home. 22, Much of the beef from the United States in fact arrived in cattle ships on the hoof. 23, The sound of a horse in harness, of its hoof idly striking a stone! 24, Diana, an unwilling international media celebrity, was having to learn on the hoof. 25, As sure as I have tusks, this is ontology on the hoof. 26, Thirty years ago, farmers say, the government acted decisively and quickly to contain hoof and mouth. 27, The ground was freshly pawed by deer, and the smooth black earth showed the criss-cross pattern of their hoof prints. 28, When I spilled, she used to stamp her cloven hoof so daintily. 29, The flies were troubling them and they blew through distended nostrils, or shook their heads, or stamped an impatient hoof. 30, Deer are supposed to be quiet creatures, but this one made a sound, each hoof crisp on the asphalt.