hoof造句31, It was one of those glorious moments when a politician is forced to make up policy on the hoof.
32, Alternatively you can use a handful of bonemeal or hoof and horn mixed with the soil.
33, The clip-clop of a hoof came almost like a gunshot in the quiet which followed.
34, Let's hoof it to the disco.
35, I think I have seen your hoof in it.
36, Let's hoof it to the supermarket.
37, An old horse's hoof is to be our wineglass.
38, The upper margin of a horse's hoof.
39, Let's hoof it to the park.
40, The echo of a horse's hoof.
41, Another primitively for horse's hoof Dutch.
42, The Houyhnhnms use the hollow part, between the pastern and the hoof of their fore-foot, as we do our hands, and this with greater dexterity than I could at first imagine.
43, I thought he would show the hoof sooner or later.
44, Ignoring is ordinary perhaps not on the hoof, can't divorce from reality - but this, perhaps be life.
45, Your daily hoof checks and most farrier work are usually performed in a horse that is tied.
46, Guo Jing answer:Because your ability become hero for me, my on the hoof of the time want to be subjected to a person to respect, clay-cold also want history to stay.
47, Cups of bottom border chisel three beast hoof foot, etc. Distance divide the work, is decorated with the line beasts.
48, A sharp, hollow sound, as of a horse's hoof striking pavement.
49, An inflammation of the hoof cartilage of horses and other solid-hoofed animals, characterized by degeneration of hoof tissue, formation of a slough, and fistulous sores.
50, Furman thinks you'd be more likely to hoof it, which would be good for you and the environment.
51, Rat, lingering, looked long and doubtfully at certain hoof - marks deep in the sward.
52, One's mind, can look like the sky, like the sea, can look like lakes too, like the swimming pool, like the wash-basin , like the small horse's hoof hole.
53, Napoleon appeared to change countenance, and sharply ordered Boxer to let the dog go, whereat Boxer lifted his hoof, and the dog slunk away, bruised and howling.
54, On the hoof every day the last day which see make life.
55, All official robes in Qing dynasty had horse - hoof - shaped cuffs.
56, Yesterday I saw you wandered in the supermarket. You extended the hand into price checking machine. Screen displayed: The pig hoof is 8 yuan.
57, Suddenly he heard the quick , short click of a horse's hoof behind him.
58, Of , resembling , or bearing a hoof, nail, or claw.
59, Begin with and ossify over time, beginning from the hoof and working up the leg.
60, Around the proliferous area of hoof epiderm, the veins are thicker.