快好知 kuaihz

1. Absenteeism is a problem in some industries. 2. There were strict sanctions against absenteeism. 3. Poor timekeeping and absenteeism will not be tolerated. 4. His boss discharged him for habitual absenteeism. 5. The high rate of absenteeism is costing the company a lot of money. 6. Absenteeism, turnover, and operating costs were all high. 7. There was virtually no absenteeism or turnover. 8. Absenteeism and workers' compensation claims have fallen sharply. 9. Absenteeism, recurrent minor illnesses, accidents at home and at work and disturbed relationships with colleagues are all commonplace. 10. Where absenteeism does become a focus of management attention, there are very tangible improvements. 11. The direct effect of job on absenteeism is shown to be zero. 12. Absenteeism will account for some gaps, and temporary vacancies for inability to state a clerk's name. 13. In the early 1980s it had the highest absenteeism and dropout rates in Portland. 14. Such reduced absenteeism is a social benefit in that it reduces public expenditure through the statutory sick-pay scheme. 15. In investigating the causes of absenteeism from work, for example, researchers have found different contributory factors. 16. It often saves large sums in absenteeism and recruitment as companies retain a better workforce. 17. The reason why absenteeism was non-existent on Thursdays was not just because it happened to be pay day. 18. It went on, Past mistakes such as high absenteeism and poor quality will not be tolerated by the new company. 19. Third, work absenteeism on account of illness has been used as an index of morbidity. 20. He said those benefits include higher productivity, lower turnover, less absenteeism and stronger loyalty from the workforce. 21. It seems, then, that participation in sport is associated with reduced absenteeism. 22. However, employers are probably the main beneficiaries of any reduction in absenteeism. 23. In the second, nervous disorders have no effect on absenteeism, despite the fact that they are caused by poor jobs. 24. Let us first consider a hypothetical example drawn from the earlier discussion of the causes of absenteeism. 25. Members of the Congress could not hold any other public post, and there were sanctions against absenteeism. 26. He analysed these results in terms of output, wastage rates, labour turnover and absenteeism. 27. We can say that being female therefore also has an indirect effect on absenteeism, through the type of work performed. 28. The effects of alcohol misuse spill over from private life into the workplace, causing inefficiency and accidents as well as absenteeism. 29. There has, moreover, been a continuously rising trend of absenteeism since the plant opened. 30. In the first, nervous disorders are just an additional cause of absenteeism, but are unrelated to the type of job.