快好知 kuaihz

91. Yier Discard leftover oil, coupled with lard, water and seasoning, simmered into turbid. 92. When cooking by adding ginger, garlic, rice wine, sugar, oil, seasoning, frying beef broth, stewed available. 93. Buy: wine, tea, aquatic product, vegetables, health food, seasoning, food & beverage processing. 94. To produce high-quality natural seasoning, ginger oil, ginger powder, oleoresin ginger, raw ginger planting, pure natural spiral algae hygienical ginger drink. 95. When done, add salt and vinegar for seasoning . Serve. 96. Add in diced water chestnut and seasoning, mix well and hit into the bowl until sticky. 97. Seasoning : 1tsp Salt, 2tsp Sugar, 1tsp Chicken powder, 1tsp Sesame seeds oil, some pepper, some Five spice powder. 98. Each ration pack has an 18-month shelf life and includes a mixture of dry foods and boil-in-the-bag pouches, as well as sachets of seasoning and tiny bottles of Tabasco sauce. 99. A plant ( Alpinia officinarum ) of eastern Asia, having pungent, aromatic roots used medicinally and as seasoning. 100. To prepare a beef tenderloin steak you should brush the meat with olive oil and then season it with Cavender's seasoning. 101. The machine is suited for jell, fructi - milk, fructi - succus, seasoning washer and so on filling and closing. 102. Wash beef, pat dry and mince. Stir in seasoning gradually until well - mixed. 103. Lientery : clean and cut up the leaves or the hearts of Chinese cabbage, fry them with seasoning, then it can be ate after mashing. 104. We take the consuming trend seriously at any moment and focus on the manufacturing of creative and special product, So to speak, Beau Ideal is a bright star in Chinese seasoning industry. 105. Fish sauce is a commonly used seasoning in Teochew cuisine. 106. Lastly add in seasoning and stir beef and vermicelli evenly . Place over the cabbage . Serve. 107. Wash drumstick, drain. Add seasoning to marinate for 15 to 20 minutes. 108. Perhaps some of the bacon grease Dilcey was using for illumination could be used for seasoning. 109. Powder materials suitable for a variety of bags, such as milk powder, flour, soy flour, powder, seasoning powder, pearl powder. Suitable for large. 110. Soya Bean Protein, Amorphophallus Campanulatus Powder, Starch, Mushroom, Vegetable, Vegetarian Seasoning. 111. Maybe the food would be better if it had more seasoning. 112. The dried aromatic leaf of the laurel or bay ( Laurus nobilis ) used as a seasoning in cooking. 113. Pumpkin, Soya Bean Fibre, Starch, Vegetable Oil, Seaweed, Vegetarian Seasoning. 114. Soya Bean Protein, Shredded Mushroom, Starch, Coconut Milk, Egg, Vegetarian Seasoning. 115. Ingredients: Soya Bean, Textured Soybean Protein, Flour, Seaweed , Vegetarian Seasoning Vegetable. 116. Mix Soya - bean powder and Seasoning 2 into juice with fish flavor. 117. Capsicum is usually used for seasoning of foods in people's life, and it has sanitarian effect. 118. The system is automatic seasoning select machine of tube - shaped electrolytic capacitor. 119. Add seasoning to cattlefish and stir until it turns sticky. 120. The final oak barrel is not just a function of the tree and its location but also the characteristics used to make the barrel, such as seasoning toasting and the cooperage style.