快好知 kuaihz

151. Mix in seasoning. Sprinkle over cucumber, pera , carrot, dried beancurd, soy bean sprouts and sesame. Serve. 152. With 2 coniferous tree species and 15 broad leaved tree species as testing material, an air seasoning test of lumber was carried out at Haikou region. 153. Yeast extract is a functional natural seasoning, made from fresh high-quality brewers yeast latex and refined by adopting new morden biotechnology. 154. Mode of Acculturation in this novel is like martini cocktail, made up of "strong" American culture and "seasoning" Chinese culture, emanative in unique aroma. 155. Is Lang Gei the joy, my air seasoning has been lonely. 156. The production line realizes the packaging automation of the beef tallow hot pot seasoning, improves the productivity and avoids pollutions to products by manual operations.