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91 Arsenal could easily have trebled their score as they ran Liverpool ragged in the second half. 92 In the meantime, the authorities had added light anti-tank weapons and recoilless rifles to the arsenal of the metropolitan police force. 93 He was energetic, headstrong, and unorthodox-and he had compelling reasons for reducing the ruinously expensive Soviet nuclear arsenal. 94 Five minutes later Arsenal might have restored their lead when Smith grazed the outside of the far post. 95 With Arsenal and Liverpoolthe next 2 games lets keep our fingers crossed. 96 At this point the Arsenal fans began to drift home, their evening well and truly over. 97 But George and Arsenal can impress upon Wright the harm he is doing his own career. 98 They were to be worthy members of the Arsenal family off the field as well as on. 99 It is perhaps that long-term perspective which is at the root of present-day concern over the nuclear arsenal held by the superpowers. 100 At the end of the first half it's Spurs two, Arsenal nil. 101 The arsenal ship was championed by senior admirals who rose through the surface warfare ranks, including the late Adm. 102 This season hadn't started any better with reversals already suffered at Arsenal and Liverpool. 103 Mr Cunningham was supporting Arsenal on that day, and vividly recalled how excited he became during the match. 104 Anatoly Kvashnin, chief of the general staff, to cut spending on the nuclear arsenal. 105 Wright and Bright caused havoc among defences before Palace sold Wright to Arsenal. 106 Police have discovered an arsenal of guns and ammunition in a London house. 107 In his first season at Arsenal he was cast in the role of footballer turned male model. 108 It was a human approach to football management in stark contrast to conditions beyond the boundaries of Arsenal Stadium. 109 Last week's draw was a bad result for Arsenal, putting Manchester United ahead of them in the league. 110 Arsenal are sure to monitor developments, but can obviously not match Seville's financial clout. 111 The nuclear arsenal is to be remodelled around submarines and aircraft, and land-based missiles phased out. 112 Wenger's Arsenal are on the brink of breaking into the knockout stage at the third time of asking. 113 Arsenal took a while to stir but went into the lead on 18 minutes. 114 Arsenal boss George Graham is annoyed that it took so long for him to be told about Limpar's current ankle injury. 115 Arsenal were in the final, but Chapman poured cold water on hopes for the Double. 116 We saw a case for considering what our nuclear arsenal would be and whether it was completely necessary. 117 Now an Arsenal team in peak health would have kept a grip on the match. 118 Eight different players have missed penalties for Arsenal this season, but Henry made no mistake. 119 He chose Everton over Arsenal and will regret that decision to his dying day. 120 With the program cutbacks, the arsenal ship was renamed the maritime fire support demonstrator.