快好知 kuaihz

61 Under President Reagan a further weapon seems to have been added to the arsenal of economic pressure. 62 Despite frequently pulling 10 men behind the ball, they allowed Arsenal too much time and space. 63 Only several good saves by Nicky Weaver kept the score down as Arsenal flexed their attacking muscles. 64 He will be best remembered for the flair he brought to the Arsenal side that won the league in 1989 and 1991. 65 Our foray into book publishing, soon to be repeated, used Ventura and this too is now part of our arsenal. 66 I was the only Arsenal supporter in my entire year at school. 67 Instead, the arsenal ship would have relied on other warships to defend it against missile attacks. 68 When added to your culinary arsenal, they will enhance your game preparations immensely. 69 Instead, commanders aboard other ships or ashore will be connected via radio and satellite links to computers aboard the arsenal ship. 70 The arsenal ship also may change the way the Navy buys warships in the future. 71 That third-world economy with a super-power arsenal could be in terminal decline. 72 Extensive community work and interviews with young Arsenal supporters in a run-down housing estate by Robbins and Cohen confirmed this impression. 73 Having steered Arsenal to a Cup victory and then to a record Championship, Chapman was at the pinnacle of his career. 74 His firm unleashes its nuclear arsenal of threats and writs. 75 The midfield player broke an arm during the midweek draw with Arsenal and will be in plaster for six weeks. 76 Finally, with Arsenal pressing hard, he clawed away Quinn's careful header from Thomas's drag-back. 77 You, then, should neutralize the Rita yourself -- with the most devastating weapon in your arsenal: pity. 78 He remained there for the start of the 1985-86 campaign, but returned to Arsenal to make 27 first-team appearances. 79 The only real weapons in your arsenal in this town are talent and a heckuva lot of money. 80 For he abhors Arsenal, whose supporters are uncivilized and rough. 81 Four more test orchards were managed conventionally, with the full arsenal of chemical fertilisers and pesticides. 82 At the same time, its nuclear arsenal puts it in a qualitatively different league from its capitalist competitors. 83 The Arsenal machine had been perfected, and the 1930 Cup triumph was to usher in a glorious future. 84 As goals at Arsenal became fewer, most people plumped for the most obvious explanation. 85 Despite many and varied flurries of activity in the first 40 minutes, Arsenal seemed reasonably secure if not inspired. 86 Their arsenal includes both SAM 7 missiles and anti-tank weapons. 87 And Arsenal were offering an unusually high salary for a football manager - £2,000. 88 The big gun in the critics' arsenal this year was Wayne Levi and his four triumphs. 89 Arsenal really do keep things tight; they gave little or no room in which to manoeuvre. 90 The nuclear arsenal of the former Soviet Union was scattered among four new countries with few safeguards.