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61) In the hopes of reaching the moon men fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet.Albert Schweitzer 62) Outside, another blossom fell from a tree, to join the others on the pavement. 63) The curtains looked like spring, but a spring that had happened somewhere else: all green shoots and rainfall and blossom. 64) Slice each eggplant lengthwise twice from blossom end almost to stem end, making 4 finger-like slices attached at base. 65) The Cherry Blossom restaurant serves a fusion of Japanese and Californian cooking. 66) Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.Henry Ward Beecher 67) West Indies made a good start and with 132 for 3 at lunch looked ready to blossom. 68) Then, a little higher, it surprised them, suddenly unveiling green pasture and rose bushes with delicate pink blossom. 69) If we are peaceful, if we are happy, we can smile and blossom like a flower, and everyone in our family, our entire society, will benefit from our peace.Thich Nhat Hanh 70) And in her heart she allowed hope to blossom into fragile life again. 71) Slice eggplants from blossom end to to inch from stem end. Allow to drain. 72) Peach and cherry trees are out in blossom, and we've seen quite a few birds. 73) Give the tree a winter wash and after the blossom falls a treatment with a systemic insecticide. 74) Snow was falling as steadily as the apricot blossom in the first monsoon storm. 75) He weaves an apple blossom wreath and hangs it from a branch. 76) The President, who drinks very little alcohol, sipped his favorite cocktail, a weak orange blossom. 77) Nefertum: the divine lotus or a man with a lotus blossom on his head. 78) It was springtime and the slopes were ablaze with almond blossom, the vivid green terraces edged with blue irises. 79) I woke early next morning, roused by the creaking of the cicadas and the scent of orange blossom. 80) In spring the hedgerows and verges are awash with blossom and wild flowers. 81) Repeat when the green blossom buds are clearly visible and again when they change colour before opening. 82) The blossom buds on the apples, Victoria plum and quince are showing pink. 83) But these delicate flowers of parliamentary politics could not blossom in the climate of autocracy. 84) The village gardens are a mass of pink and white cherry blossom. 85) She put silver candles on the table and orange and white blossom in the corners of the room. 86) From the centre of the plant flower buds develop, and these grow to the water surface and blossom. 87) But every drop that fell contained the promise of another leaf, another blossom, another blade of grass in the spring. 88) Freddie manages to make friends with extremely shy Jessie, and their bond causes Jessie to blossom like the roses she grows. 89) A weekend in May and the fields full of blossom and the twins a little short of their third birthday. 90) Despite being utterly inevitable, our hero's hesitant romance with the camp nurse takes painfully long to blossom.