快好知 kuaihz

91) Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice. Like Slavery and Apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings. Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great. YOU can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom.Nelson Mandela 92) The sickly-sweet smell of sewage from leaking pipes mingles with the scent of fresh cherry blossom. 93) He looks out of his window and sees amidst his winter garden one tree in full blossom. 94) Occasionally there were small, isolated villages, looking like white blossom carelessly tossed on the vast landscape. 95) In this case a budding urethral neurosis was nipped before it could really blossom. 96) He's the type of player to blossom in the heat of a derby match, a quality finisher. 97) Youth is a blossom whose fruit is love; happy is he who plucks it after watching it slowly ripen.Alexandre Dumas 98) It would have been a pretty road in spring, with the blossom on the trees that lined it. 99) The trees, two white and one pink, were an extravaganza of blossom which floated down on to the chequered tablecloths. 100) It was quartering the acres of furze with their loads of scented yellow blossom. 101) On either side of the front path a knot garden had been planted with low hedges and tufts of tiny blossom. 102) As he stood there one of the Circle longhouses where Bragad's' Wares had been billeted began to blossom with flame. 103) The heady scent of blossom had hung about the churchyard. 104) He must have put some Cherry Blossom boot polish on it. 105) The cherry tree was coming into blossom, encouraged by the unseasonably warm sunshine. 106) The bleak breeze blights the bright blue blossom. 107) The peach tree is in full blossom. 108) May nostalgia blossom! Long live our happy golden era! 109) Trees blossom exuberantly beyond the margins, dominating the page. 110) They seemed to blossom out on the big stage. 111) My apple tree has finally come out in blossom. 112) Tempting apple blossom, freesia petals and warm vanilla bean. 113) After this event my school performance for the next 3 years became spotty until I moved to Liceo Visconti, the best high school in Rome, and the challenge proved healthy and I seemed to blossom. 114) These nonsense letter, they are only the night-blooming cereus blossom from the fingertip. 115) Fabulous Neroli Oil orange blossom is extremely beneficial to the skin. 116) A praying mantis on high alert waits for insects drawn through the night to collect Ochroma blossom pollen. Navigation lights glow in the background on the Panama Canal. 117) Delicate lemon lime and orange blossom dominate, with a hint of bath powder. 118) By May my garden will be a mass of blossom. 119) Prime location in a 1,400 square foot facility at a busy strip mall on state highway, Orange Blossom Trail in Orlando, Florida. 120) Her dimpled smile is peach blossom in spring, her blue - black hair a cluster of clouds.