g造句91. John G. is a shy, virginal youth who still shares a room with his widowed father.
92. Personification: e.g. The nutrients are used by the tissues for building and repair.
93. Whether they have appeared as part of the C. and A.G.'s audit is a moot point.
94. These formed the topic of a classic study by G. K. Gilbert published in 1877.
95. Both X L and X G will vary in tandem with each other.
96. The basis of their programme is clearly outlined in an inaugural lecture given by G. H. Bantock at Leicester in 1965.
97. G: A difference of opinion, Geoffrey, press your buttons and gamble away.
98. Male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing about 250 g were fasted for 24 hours and killed by decapitation.
99. G G: When you need something to rhyme with Sandra Dee.
100. This gives the spelling of words not always included in other dictionaries, e.g. kidnapped.
101. The euro-bond market Euro-bonds are issued by corporations, governments and international agencies, e.g. World Bank.
102. When consultation rates are matched against incapacity rates, there is evidence that lower income patients under-utilise G.P. services ....
103. Hargreaves couldn't believe his luck when G.G. MacPhee reliably informed him it hadn't been climbed.
104. G., was killed March 9 in a Los Angeles drive-by shooting.
105. The light type uses only small quantities of raw materials; e.g. for television, or for biscuits.
106. Its part is generally written in the treble clef on B or G to distinguish it from the side-drum.
107. There will be four disciplines: Downhill, super G, giant slalom and slalom.
108. On the other hand, the fact that initially g exceeded r would attract other competitors into the industry.
109. Several chapters cover the basics of clean room technology, e.g., lithography, etching and layer deposition techniques.
110. Due to a number of factors, e.g. inflation and current account imbalances, the fixed exchange rate system collapsed in March 1973.
111. Eventually, with r rising and g falling, r would exceed g, which is the only sustainable long-run equilibrium position.
112. G add A, D, E and K to snacks made with olestra.
113. The boundaries of physics constantly change as new discoveries are made, e.g. the discovery of new fundamental particles.
114. L.G. rather deprecated that saying he was not in love with it.
115. The C.E. G.B. case demonstrates that consent will not always protect against possible criminal charges being brought.
116. The dietary control of plasma phenylalanine concentrations requires rigorous restriction of natural protein intake, often to less than 6 g per day.
117. The G.L.C. could not use its grant making powers to achieve a social policy which was inconsistent with these obligations.
118. S G Warburg was rumoured to be pushing the stock, citing an imminent takeover.
119. In the cases studied alcohol intake was never higher than 50 g/day.
120. It is a labour of love by Professor A. G. Toth and primarily for specialists.