快好知 kuaihz

211. A centrifuge with slow acceleration/deceleration and providing 200 g is desirable for handling cells made into suspensions. 212. G is a minimal connected graph. 213. S&G offers great buys on computer software. 214. P&G applied for a patent on its cookies. 215. During the first act, the Countess G ---- entered. 216. Hypha (pl. hyphae) In fungi, a fine nonphotosynthetic tubular filament that spreads to form a loose network termed a mycelium or aggregates into fruiting bodies (e. g. toadstools). 217. A directed graph, or digraph G consists of a finite nonempty set of vertices V, and a finite set of edges E, where an edge is an ordered pair of vertices in V. 218. Objective : To analyze G 6 PD gene mutation in 168 Cantonese G 6 PD deficient male infants. 219. The web-page is going to be in Faroese, that means, we have to send Faroese translations of all the English words, e. g. to comment. 220. Natural childbirth: Any of the systems (e. g. , the Lamaze method) of managing Birth without drugs or surgery. 221. Chalazogamy is seen in certain trees and shrubs, e . g . beech. 222. Review and authorize necessary vouchers e . g. payment voucher, journal vouchers etc. 223. Those who look to behaviorism in teaching will generally frame their activities by behavioral objectives e . g. 224. The left coronary artery of the G. grus is divided into anterior descending branch and circumflex branch. 225. The doors are made laminated panel and G shape alum . handle. 226. A new force ( e . g . a school of thought , etc. ) emerged unexpectedly. 227. It is charged with soft science research e . g . development tactic for machinery industry. 228. The interpretation or compiling of G code is indispensable in the software for numerical control system. 229. Such quantities as the velocity of light, c, Newton's constant of gravitation, G, and the mass of the electron, me, are assumed to be the same at all places and times in the universe. 230. Profession (e. g. composer, musicologist, performer, etc. Performers please state instruments. 231. E. g. You shouldn't back and fill . It's time to make your choice. 232. A semivowel, one having an audible sound by the addition of another Letter; e. g. S and R. 233. In communications, the use of domestic terminal , e . g . , viewdata, to order goodsfrom a supplier. 234. W . G Grace stood alone as the best cricketer of his time . W . G. 235. However, there are exceptions: animals which are dangerous to eat (e.g. wasps) advertise with warning colouration. 236. To use Prompting Method by G Polya to form their metacognitive ability and improve their ability to solve math problems. 237. Complementary goods and services must emerge (e.g., automobiles required gasoline, better roads, and mechanics). 238. G irls B Grade Volleyball Team participated in the HKSFF Volleyball Competition from November to March. 239. It is concluded that antiphonal songs in the song fair reveal the traditional custom of choosing one's spouse by singing love songs, while those in "Hua'er" Hui g... 240. A composite material, e. g. a metal impregnated with lubricant or a casting impregnated with thermosetting resin, can be obtained using the inventive vacuum high pressure filling equipment.