diminished造句61) As the seams of coal and iron were exhausted, or became unprofitable to work, mining and smelting diminished.
62) The bad news for small-time acts is that this exploratory role has diminished significantly over the last ten years.
63) The result: As the need for food has grown, the capacity to produce it has diminished.
64) Xanthinuria is a rare hereditary deficiency of xanthine oxidase, which results in hypouricemia and diminished urinary uric acid excretion.
65) Kayser conducted a study of spouses who no longer loved their partners, interviewing them at length about how their love diminished.
66) Cage made music of non-musical sounds and ostensibly removed or diminished the traditional role of the composer.
67) Shining Path, which once was estimated to have more than 5, 000 armed guerrillas, also is diminished.
68) The surplus, as a result, has diminished to 6000 bushels.
69) The pleasures of art tend to be diminished by returning to a complete absence of hot bath water.
70) Morse and Meldrew both shuffled off this mortal coil and the telly world is diminished by their passing.
71) The tremor is generally diminished or abolished on purposeful movements, but there are notable exceptions to this.
72) Choice, in almost all its facets, is diminished in the life of an illiterate adult.
73) But he will begin his second term as the third-highest constitutional officer in the government with his political influence significantly diminished.
74) As a result this particular attraction of the unlimited company may be diminished.
75) What remained of Belfast's mudflats seemed certain to be diminished by unrestricted dumping.
76) There is no question his stature is diminished from what it was.
77) Some strength or recklessness seemed to have been released in her by recent events; she had increased as Anwar had diminished.
78) As time has gone on this emphasis has diminished partly as a response to the pressures of the marketplace.
79) And that he suffered pain and injury should not be diminished.
80) This hope, however, diminished as a result of something done by the quartermaster department.
81) These patients typically have mild renal insufficiency and diminished urate excretion due to renal tubular damage.
82) Confronted with a murder charge, defence lawyers resolved to try for a verdict of manslaughter on grounds of diminished responsibility.
83) The virus disappeared from their bloodstream, and their depressive symptoms diminished, Ludwig found.
84) Alternatively, anti-HEV titres in subjects infected as children but not re-exposed as adults could have diminished beyond detection.
85) Although its voluntary recruits diminished, the order had managed to limp on for nearly two centuries under Ixmarity's watchful eye.
86) In congestive heart failure, it is diminished because of low cardiac output and reduced arterial distending pressure.
87) The Greco-Roman ruins, a short drive away, were thronged, but this amplified, rather than diminished, our visit.
88) So the risk from viruses certainly hasn't diminished - on the contrary, it has mushroomed.
89) Green is the most essential colour in the garden, because without it other colours would be diminished.
90) Whether your relationships are diminished in number or quality, the effect is detrimental to your health.