rented造句241. In one of buildings Feliks rented a dingy room from an Irish woman called Bridget.
242. Fahs Construction Group of Binghamton, N.Y., recently rented a Liugong excavator. 'Our guys said it's very powerful, ' Fahs operating chief Rich Gangemi says, but they also found it 'kind of jerky.'
243. The beagle is a bargain too: The whole pup can be rented out for $92 per night for two people and includes a breakfast of homemade granola and pastries.
244. He dropped in on companies unannounced, like a door-to-door salesman, arriving in a "big and safe" Lincoln Town Car he rented in every city. Once, to keep costs low, Gou slept in the backseat.
245. I sat at our humble kitchen table in our tiny, white rented home on Maple Street in Utica.
246. We rented a little cottage on a river up in northern California, near Bodega Bay.
247. Both the Auditorium and the meeting rooms of the Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, which are open for hiring, are rented to the Council's members at a very special price of 30 - 45 % discount.
248. The current education MAN system is mainly a three-layered structure based on the VPN technology; it is usually built on the rented physical circuit from the ISP as China Telecom.
249. All these friends studied at the CCAT. All of them rented rooms near the CCAT. I was still living with my parents.
250. They are generally rented homes, mainly in urban and rural areas outside populated areas and junction point .
251. Three competing store owners rented adjoining shops in a mall. Observers waited for mayhem to ensue.
252. Even more numerous are ads by people offering themselves up as the rented co - conspirator.
253. Tourists ride rented horses and camels at historical site of the Giza Pyramids, near Cairo, Egypt.
254. 25lb of Semtex explosive was found in the lock-up she had rented to Mr Henderson.
255. In 1970, his father rented a computer and he precociously rewrote its software.
256. We rented the house on the stipulation that certain rooms should be painted.
257. NUCOR had no corporate jet and operated with a tiny headquarters staff out of rented space in North Carolina.
258. Magistrates could hear cases in rented commercial offices, or in empty shops in shopping centres – perhaps even behind a glass shopfront, so that everyone can see what is going on.
259. From now on, he would live and work from a modest rented apartment in Innsbruck, he said.
260. I rented a house for myself, 500yuan RMB each month that doesn't include the water rate and electricity fee.
261. Two months after my arrival in Verona, members of the left-wing terror group the Red Brigades abducted U.S. General James Lee Dozier from an apartment not three miles from our rented rooms.
262. His staff rented a recreational vehicle so Michelle and his daughters could come along.
263. But first the apartment has to be rented, and the deeds signed, and a thousand other details for which his frock coat will come in handy.
264. The singer was rushed to the hospital, a six-minute drive from the rented mansion in which he was living, shortly after noon by Los Angeles Fire Department paramedics.
265. Now, an old woman, Signora Lisabetta, rented its rooms to students at the University of Padua.
266. There was no property involved, because the owner of the saloon merely rented from an estate.
267. In March 1605 the group took out a lease on a ground-floor cellar close by the house they had rented from John Whynniard.
268. College campuses will be turned into flea markets during graduation. Graduates-to-be set up stands to bargain away those belongings which are difficult to carry back home or to their rented houses.
269. Smiling is inseparable from smiler, it can neither be bought nor be rented.
270. He's spent much of his time at his family's rented oceanfront home, and at a nearby marine base where he works out, golfs and takes his family to the beach.