referring造句31 The price must be clearly legible to a prospective purchaser and clearly identifiable as referring to the goods in question.
32 Mr Gow made it clear that he was not referring to small men in any literal sense.
33 The two notes referring to James Island suggest that he has just started to identify different species by their specific island localities.
34 Referring back to the aggregate supply curve derivation in Fig. 10-5, it is that is usually attributed to the Keynesians.
35 We believe strongly, however, that the term prevention should not be used when referring to abortion.
36 The reports produced to date are internal documents, and only those referring to botany need be mentioned here.
37 Samaranch did not elaborate, but he may have been referring to a more high-powered device to detect illegal substances.
38 To this end the workshop began by referring to the information leaflet which accompanied the workshop.
39 Indeed, the embassy will certainly be represented at the forthcoming trials to which I think the hon. Gentleman is referring.
40 The former health secretary brushed aside talk of a demotion by referring to himself as the new Minister for Majorism.
41 We're not referring to discreet overviews of the local naturists either!
42 The Domesday Group had also predicted the terrible slime slick to which Slampacker was referring.
43 What I have been referring to vaguely as the knowledge system, Fodor calls the central systems.
44 Face an abbreviation for typeface referring to a family in a given style.
45 I am not referring to adhoc arrangements or short-term palliatives.
46 Among snatches of conversation, both of us remember his referring to the underground as being rather like hell.
47 He becomes extremely sarcastic, referring several times to Brutus' honour.
48 We instinctively understood that de Niro was referring to Taxi Driver, even in this much later movie and it's funny.
49 She knew exactly what he meant, could recall in graphic detail the event to which he was referring.
50 We discuss the computer program in rather anthropomorphic terms, referring successively to the talents personality and style of the computer program.
51 Don Shepperd told the news conference, referring to the fighter pilots involved in the two encounters.
52 When referring to an individual, including yourself, never use the word 'just'.Gordon B. Hinckley
53 Referring clinicians gave permission for this to be carried out and the study was approved by the local Hospital Ethical Committee.
54 At the time he'd thought she was referring to his slaying of the two men-at-arms.
55 I am referring here to the recent growth in economic analysis of politics and law.
56 The referring doctors included trainee general practitioners and locums as well as the partners.
57 For instance, referring to the title, some characters are just and immoral, some are fair and dishonest.
58 Had the umpires gone too far in referring wear marks on the ball to the match referee during the luncheon interval?
59 I am referring to the cleavage between the country's rulers and the population.
60 The debate over the middle peasantry can only be resolved by referring to concrete situations.