快好知 kuaihz

61. She will be sadly missed by all who knew her. 62. The plan went by the board, the secretary is helping the old manager back sadly. 63. Sadly, there was no fairytale happy ending to the story. 64. Anne, who died on 22 July, will be sadly missed by all who knew her. 65. Sadly, most of the house was destroyed by fire in 1828. 66. She put down the phone, sighed, and shook her head sadly. 67. "Do you have to speak to me in that tone of voice?" she said sadly. 68. "He's gone away for six months, " she said sadly. 69. Sadly, she inherited none of her father's musical talent . 70. Sadly, the film is let down by an excessively simple plot. 71. Sadly, his reforms opened up a Pandora's box of domestic problems. 72. Sadly, their success was just a flash in the pan. 73. Sadly, because of abolition, it was also the last. 74. Sadly, the experimental situation is much more patchy. 75. He will be sadly missed by all his colleagues. 76. Sadly, country folk have caught on. 77. Sadly, there is no parking on a corkscrew bend. 78. A lost cause, the old woman reflected sadly. 79. He smiled sadly, showing me his metal dentures. 80. Sadly that corner, like the proverbial corner the economy keeps bumping against, was not turned. 81. This may sound obvious, but, sadly, business success will no longer automatically lead to financial success. 82. Sadly, she was frustrated at every turn, and all her efforts went to waste. 83. Sadly, he died of an aggressive brain tumour just three months after I was diagnosed. 84. Sadly, the war years interrupted the programme, though a few short botanical notes did appear between 1939 and 1945. 85. Sadly events have turned full circle and those who defended the university then must do so again. 86. Sadly, morals and behaviour ashore had deteriorated too with more drunks and ladies of easy virtue in evidence. 87. Sadly, we fell behind early on and never really threatened them after that, although we chased them all the way. 88. Sadly, his tenure has been characterised, too, by an affront to the House and to our democracy. 89. The tight ranks wavered and melted before the driving spearhead, even though it was now sadly deformed and its speed slackened. 90. Sadly, too, psychiatric disorders are still viewed by many people with suspicion and prejudice.