快好知 kuaihz

91. He was a dear friend to many and will be greatly and sadly missed. 92. Sadly, as I shall explain, the facts do not bear out the interpretation given to them by the Foreign Secretary. 93. Sadly, Jimmy died in 1989, but all of the achievements owe much to this dear, departed, friend. 94. In the shed that evening Conradin looked sadly at the empty corner where his chicken had lived. 95. So they sadly boxed up the artifacts and found new jobs. 96. Sadly, the rest of his collection of paintings and furniture had been badly charred or destroyed. 97. Sadly, the thief who leaves no clues and is careful disposing of his ill-gotten gains is unlikely to be caught. 98. Sadly, the underlying amateurishness of the organization could not stand the strain and the Guild disintegrated in 1888. 99. Sadly, she never carries cash, so any hope of seeing her choose something unusually revolting for daughter-in-law Fergie soon faded. 100. Sadly, it appears to be generally accepted that this is the way people in service industries in Glasgow behave. 101. Sadly these have now disappeared, pushed aside by the needs of the motor car. 102. Sadly, drugs used in a desperate attempt to save his life made most of his organs unusable. 103. Sadly the situation did deteriorate during the seven-year war and lots of schools closed as the troubles increased. 104. Very shortly afterwards the young man was called up and sadly, he was killed in action a few weeks later. 105. Sadly the Archduchess died during a smallpox epidemic before the wedding took place. 106. Sadly, most of the businesses advertised are not good propositions. 107. Sadly the Committee has been side tracked from that task by diversionary arguments about employed lawyers in criminal cases. 108. Sadly, despite recently introduced performance bonus schemes, this gap is still widening. 109. Sadly, teachers too are sometimes caught up in a competitive assessment system - perhaps even as beneficiaries. 110. But sadly, she may never be able to prove what killed the people buried in the mass graves. 111. Napkins and old cigarette packets did not, sadly, put in an appearance. 112. Sadly, Rose suffered a major setback one day, when she had a grand mal epileptic fit. 113. Sadly, this right to leave your bits and pieces to your budgie or bulldog is denied those with hereditary titles. 114. Sadly, it already had a dented side with a broken window. 115. Sadly, many people who retire at sixty-five die within a few years. 116. Sadly this awareness dissipates by the time they are in second grade. 117. Sadly, these dedicated servants end up standing in the blazing sun, a routine broken only by the occasional soaking rainstorm. 118. Sadly some customers don't consume their products sensibly and drink-driving is a prime example. 119. A middle-aged man was bending over one of the beds, sadly digging up clusters of gold and russet dahlias. 120. Sadly, Brian Rowe's personal circumstances have now changed and he is not able to take up the post.