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31. These beliefs, he argues, are just as ideological as the holistic world view of a more mystical, premodern age. 32. They are the same, we have said, as those of the mystical experience. 33. In bygone days the Arms Park had an almost mystical quality for them. 34. The ancestry of pentecostalism-on the other hand-traces back to mystical, Wesleyan, and Holiness roots. 35. The members of the first group were more poetic, philosophical, mystical, and artistic. 36. Spirit baptism was not just an initiation rite, it was a mystical encounter. 37. This richness of experience is paralleled in the mystical traditions by the knowledge that ordinary human nature opens into vast inner worlds. 38. Humans could no longer be allowed any such privileged, mystical feature as free will to distinguish them. 39. Sam hoped he wasn't one of those New Age mystical types. 40. The presence of these additional mystical agencies complements the non-mystical causes already examined and thus expands the range of explanation. 41. Rolle was a prolific writer in Latin about his mystical theology. 42. Looking out over the sea I recall an earlier time when I had been briefly but intensely curious about matters mystical. 43. Barry and me had an almost mystical rapport when it came to stuff like this. 44. This is something unique; and it is not surprising that somebody should have thought of the mystical chariot of Ezechiel. 45. The saintly abbess spent several fruitful years in that convent,[http:///mystical.html] the recipient of extraordinary mystical favors. 46. Again, we should note the interdependence and mutual necessity of the main and minor channels of mystical power. 47. At the same time, it is not alone in the field: there are alternative mystical explanations of misfortune. 48. It was his idea that they should-read his books together and then discuss van der Post's mystical ideas at mealtimes. 49. It is, of course, regarded with mystical awe by all who see it. 50. If this was pragmatism, it was of a positively mystical kind. 51. But when claims are made for the mystical aspects of athletics, there is inevitably a response from the skeptics. 52. Does aesthetic art and mystical art and contemplative art offer alternatives to the horror and humiliation in which three-quarters of mankind lives? 53. They are chiefly associated with his distinctive emphases on historical revelation and on the ethical rather than mystical nature of religion. 54. To sit down in meditation and think of these mystical ideas is to poise oneself for the transcendent journey. 55. An aggressive person is open to accusations of being in league with or under the control of malign mystical powers. 56. The whole spiritual movement personified by St Francis had exalted the mystical value of Lady Poverty, holy poverty. 57. They take us across the frontiers between the material and the mystical. 58. Meanwhile there's nothing mystical about the version of Sumo wrestling going on in the city centre. 59. Theresa when she described one of her mystical visions as revealing to her the secrets of the Trinity. 60. Effusive commentators would report that with only the sky above the effect was almost mystical.