快好知 kuaihz

1. That was clearly a deep mystical experience. 2. He had been unwittingly deluded by their mystical nonsense. 3. It is a mystical experience for him. 4. I could make large mystical claims for democracy. 5. There is something uncanny about Tesla, something almost mystical. 6. The mystical spider woman teaches her to weave blankets. 7. Writing in an impenetrably mystical Hebrew, Kook tried to disprove the traditionalists' view of Zionism as heresy. 8. Animals are killed only to avert mystical dangers which cause illness and death. 9. Although not the only source of mystical power, anomalous phenomena are often given special treatment if they are difficult to classify. 10. A strange, mystical story of love, faith, and the righting of an old wrong. 11. But exclusion of the mystical did not advance knowledge very far. 12. It explained the shape of the mystical experience that came to him in prayer. 13. Few details of the mystical ceremony are known to the public. 14. We should have a detached preparedness for mystical states and no anxiety for them. 15. The effusions of Vaneigem have an air of mystical revelation which is even more intense in recent publications. 16. Row after row of different artifacts, with mystical banners hanging in the still air. 17. Watching the sun rise over the mountain was an almost mystical experience. 18. As a clergyman's son he'd imbibed a set of mystical beliefs from the cradle. 19. The poet's treatment of the subject lifts it to a mystical plane. 20. For me, standing before the temple door as the sun rose was a mystical experience. 21. It is not a holy status that living entities inherit by some mystical means. 22. McCann's book is a story of violence, hidden rooms, and mystical happenings. 23. Popular Taoism repeatedly formed extremely hierarchical churches, and a series of more or less secret sects with anarchistic and mystical tendencies. 24. Mighty figures clad in light sent the surge of mystical power tumbling back to Nagarythe. 25. Over the next couple of hours, the sightings continue, with almost mystical similarity. 26. But from our many interviews with sportspeople we have learned that the mystical aspects of sport can also be deflated and suppressed. 27. Poetry and prose when they advance into the most mystical regions will depart farther and farther from music. 28. Here was the central event of the play, the mystical chord that resounded through the audience. 29. But it gives an indication of the level of mystical boiler-plate in which these warriors are cast. 30. The analogy between cultural and genetic evolution has frequently been pointed out, sometimes in the context of quite unnecessary mystical overtones.