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211. If the virus develops the capacity to spread easily from person-to-person, medical professionals warn that a global influenza pandemic could be set in motion. 212. The antigenicity of influenza B virus isolated was similar to Panama like virus. 213. The recommended alternative to zanamivir in patients with laboratory evidence of influenza A, a negative test result, or no testing is the combination of oseltamivir plus rimantadine. 214. Objective To determine the optimal condition of lysis of influenza virus by sodium deoxycholate. 215. A few cases of influenza cropped out every now and then. 216. The primary function of the influenza virus nucleoprotein(NP) is to encapsidate the virus genome for the purposes of RNA transcription, replication and packing. 217. Amantadine is a tricyclic decane saturated amino derivatives, is the United States approved the first antiviral drug, primarily for the prevention and treatment of influenza. 218. Objective To investigate the effects of Compound Betamethasone on the expression of olfactory marker protein(OMP) in murine injured olfactory mucosa by influenza virus. 219. EB treatment inhibited viral replication by binding to influenza virus hemagglutinin, thereby preventing attachment of influenza virus to cells, the report indicates. 220. And thirdly, Doctor Chan warned of a continued threat of pandemic [ pandemic ] influenza. 221. It is hard to develop a perfect vaccine against seasonal influenza because it is so fleet-footed. 222. Risk communications expert Peter Sandman says WHO and other public health agencies will be keen to make clear that influenza is unpredictable. 223. Vaccines are available to be to pigs to prevent swine influenza. 224. The World Health Organization this week declared the first pandemic, or worldwide spread[Sentence dictionary], of influenza in forty-one years. 225. In the past, children have died or suffered permanent harm from Reye's Syndrome during widespread influenza attacks. 226. Influenza ordinarily is a respiratory illness with fever, headache, sore throat, nasal stuffiness and cough. And body aches are real common. 227. During the pandemic of 1957, 50% of deaths due to Asian influenza in Minnesota among women of reproductive age occurred in pregnant women. 228. Through the Security and Prosperity Partnership, the United States is collaborating closely with Canada and Mexico to develop a comprehensive North American Plan for Avian and Pandemic Influenza. 229. Officials and experts say they have learned a lot about human swine influenza. 230. The different patterns between the normal and the infected allantois fluid samples which included influenza viruses type A, B and newcastle disease virus were clearly shown in the pyrograms. 231. Swine flu, a respiratory disease caused by type A influenza, is known to cause outbreaks among pigs and to be transmittable to humans. 232. That's miniscule compared to the number of people who die annually of regular influenza. 233. Low pathogenic avian influenza commonly occurs in wild birds and can be found in a number of duck populations including the Northern pintail. 234. There are two classes of antiviral drugs for influenza: inhibitors of neuraminidase such as oseltamivir and zanamivir; and adamantanes, such as amantadine and rimantadine. 235. Influenza ( or flu or grippe ): Acute viral infection of the upper or lower respiratory tract. 236. Robinson said HHS had accounted for this in planning for a possible influenza pandemic. 237. Cause: belong to disease area of Avian Influenza or Newcastle Disease. 238. WHO therefore recommends, for certain avian influenza viruses, a series of protective measures aimed at preventing human infections in persons at high risk of exposure. 239. Influenza vaccination is most effective when circulating viruses are well-matched with vaccine viruses. 240. There are two classes of such medicines, 1) adamantanes (amantadine and remantadine), and 2) inhibitors of influenza neuraminidase (oseltamivir and zanamivir).