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181. Conclusion Compound Betamethasone can enhance The expression of OMP in the injured olfactory mucosa by influenza virus. 182. The H1N1 pandemic was characterized by the emergence of a new influenza virus to which many people had no pre-existing immunity. 183. WHO and its partners will continue to conduct ongoing monitoring of influenza viruses for antiviral drug resistance. 184. If avian influenza comes along, they can have the bird that's resistant to it ... you won't have a monoculture, when one disease hits it, and it wipes it out. 185. In 1980 Fiers first sequenced the gene for hemagglutinin derived from the human influenza strain H3N2 that circulated in 1965. 186. The United States health authorities are maintaining vigilance for any possible association between neurological disease and influenza vaccine. 187. Operations for people were postponed because facilities and medical practitioner practitioners were pre-occupied preoccupied and needed to serve influenza like diseases or flumen flu in particular. 188. METHODS Applied cell culture technique to study the antiviral(influenza virus A3 and B)effect of Qingpeng capsule in vitro on passage cell . 189. Why do we have to get vaccinated yearly which against influenza? 190. The pandemic monovalent H1N1 vaccine and the seasonal influenza vaccines both now cover the H1N1 virus, either may be used depending on which is available and according to national guidelines. 191. The 10 microgram vaccine met all the European regulatory requirements for the licensing of influenza vaccine. 192. It quotes a modeller who says it is nearly impossible for a countryto contain an outbreak of a new influenza virus.http:///influenza.html 193. Though medicine such as amantadine, rimantadine and ribavirin can inhibit the influenza virus, the side effects of these drugs minimize their clinical uses. 194. Avian influenza is caused by an orthomyxovirus, or influenza virus. Viruses in this group vary widely in their pathogenicity or virulence. 195. All subtyped influenza A viruses being reported to CDC were 2009 A ( H 1 N 1 ) viruses. 196. Still, don't bet on open skies and porous borders for long—except maybe for the migrating wildfowl who currently function as an airborne Influenza Express. 197. Influenza A (H1N1) viruses do not normally infect humans. Most commonly, direct transmission cases occur in persons with direct exposure to pigs. 198. The idea that influenza may hide out in ice has struck a chord among some experts. 199. Most swine influenza viruses have been susceptible to antiviral medications such as neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir and zanamivir). 200. Since 1997, an influenza vaccine (FLUAD, Chiron) which contains about 10 mg of squalene per dose, has been approved in health agencies in several European countries. 201. April 2011 - The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh has confirmed a new case of human infection with avian influenza A(H5N1) virus. 202. Continue my itemized account, has come back after a fever of influenza, which suited! 203. As influenza virus activity in Indonesia may increase during the wet season, from November to April, human exposure to animal virus could be greater during the coming months. 204. Caused the outbreak of swine influenza - related concept of market speculation. 205. Methods To illustrate the relationship of H3 subtype influenza virus with other subtypes, we carried out the sequence analysis of PB1 polymerase genes of three H3N8 subtype du. 206. Objective: Understand influenza B viruses circulating and antigenic drift and distributing since 2003 in Ningbo city. 207. In a given community, epidemics of influenza A virus infection often have a characteristic pattern. 208. It'seems a predilection for young adults, as did its notorious ancestor, the 1918 Spanish influenza. 209. Current seasonal influenza vaccine produced based on WHO recommendation does not contain swine influenza virus. 210. Influenza viruses bind through hemagglutinin onto sialic acid sugars on the surfaces of epithelial cells; typically in the nose, throat and lungs of mammals and intestines of birds.