快好知 kuaihz

61 They surf, ski and ride. 62 I've left my car in the park and ride. 63 If you want a cheap ride, take a minicab. 64 Can James ride a bicycle yet? 65 I ride this street every day. 66 She was frightened to ride a bike. 67 He could cadge a ride from somebody. 68 The success will ride on our determination. 69 I'm really stiff after that bike ride yesterday. 70 It's uphill work learning to ride. 71 Can I give you a ride to the station? 72 The kids can ride on the amusements. 73 Roz doesn't know how to ride a bicycle. 74 Lean back and enjoy the ride. 75 The horse is old,don't ride it down. 76 It's only a 5 minute taxi ride away. 77 Check your bicycle brakes before you ride. 78 Both the horses were out, tacked up and ready to ride. 79 When you learn to ride a bicycle you must learn to balance. 80 The jockey rushed back from America to ride at Nottingham on Monday but went unrewarded. 81 My bicycle bell is apt to fall off when I ride too fast. 82 He invited me to go for a ride in his new car. 83 The business has had a bumpy ride over the last twelve months, but profits are growing again now. 84 If you haven't paid for your ride, out you get! 85 I went for a ride to give my new bike a workout. 86 Extreme surfers will ride waves that reach heights of more than fifty feet. 87 What he had said was wrong, and I knew I shouldn't just let it ride. 88 The planning authorities should not ride roughshod over the wishes of local people. 89 We managed to get a ride into town when we missed the bus. 90 The boy pleaded to be allowed to ride on the tractor.