快好知 kuaihz

91 There she wept and fought to compose herself before returning to the parlor with a small, pinched smile. 92 Some he would take home, copying them out most carefully before returning them in their leather cases to their proper places. 93 The only difference was that the Guides could look forward to returning to comfortable homes. 94 He saw himself returning as a beggar with limbs deliberately deformed, whining for alms on the sea-front at Bombay. 95 Markets typically include a provision for resolving disagreements by returning the product or through arbitrage in other cases. 96 Based at Southland hospital he will manage the hospital discharge scheme, organising support for people returning home after treatment. 97 The net effect of these factors is to dissipate the energy of the returning hammer. 98 Mr Popple, upon returning home alone, found the spider floating in the toilet-bowl. 99 The jury deliberated 26 days before returning guilty verdicts on 24 of 25 counts. 100 In the afternoon there is an optional excursion along the shores of Lake Como returning by boat. 101 Many returning refugees have found themselves dispossessed once more, made refugees in their own land. 102 By law, returning Kazakhs are supposed to be entitled to certain benefits, including housing and financial assistance. 103 To add insult to injury, our family health services authority is returning our claims for Haemophilus influenzae type B immunisation unpaid. 104 From time to time he broke off his labours to return to the great court to look out for Tutilo returning. 105 Returning to the side door, he stood just inside it for a while and then stepped out to the sidewalk. 106 Yorke, 21 today, was returning home from a charity event at 2am, the city's magistrates heard. 107 Leafy and Obey stayed away for close to an hour, returning at last after midnight to admit defeat. 108 The pleasures of art tend to be diminished by returning to a complete absence of hot bath water. 109 In 1972, it was allowed back into the region, like some disgraced aristocrat returning from exile. 110 This, of course, assumes that there are returning officers in existence to whom the Clerk can send the writ. 111 He intended to stay six months before returning to the secure family practice. 112 She was convicted of assault and cleared on appeal but was prevented from returning to work. 113 The financial benefits gained in terms of productivity and maintaining an occupational income by returning to work are clear. 114 The 8.16 from Darlington and the returning 10.38 behaved as impeccably as the reception class at a Victorian Sunday school. 115 At the advanced age of 71, Charles Bronson's wizened features are returning to the big screen. 116 It is only by returning periodically to it that man can keep in contact with things of ultimate value. 117 After lunch he fared better returning a 76, taking only 35 shots on the inward nine. 118 I made one loop and then another, returning to check up on the kids. 119 Only the middle class gave up the composite career, and today even they are returning to it. 120 Of the six, only Brown is given a chance of returning for the Dallas game.