快好知 kuaihz

151 Since returning from his Easter break in Florida he has bungled and backtracked even in his fief, the Senate. 152 He had already considered returning to London in the closing stages of the war, but had thought better of it. 153 Returning for the blood test results is worth $ 10. 154 Men who had emptied their slop buckets were returning to their cells. 155 She was now fearful about returning to school, but agreed to discuss this with her tutor. 156 People were returning to their cabins after a day ashore. 157 Sometimes aircraft returning across the Channel are in a bad way. 158 He could feel his strength returning; could feel the brandy coursing through his veins, filling him with a warm glow. 159 The elevator, with a bump, returning from the cellar opened simultaneously with the street door. 160 One year later, the Eastbourne Road school is returning the compliment. 161 For men, returning home after years away from their wives and children, a new beginning had to be made. 162 Returning to work the following day we found out how Donald had spent his Christmas. 163 Instantly we fell in love with the area and have been returning regularly ever since. 164 Returning to the front entrance, he found Hendrix still waiting for her food, smoking yet another cigarette. 165 Apart from the village, there are interesting walks around the northern peninsulas to neighbouring bays, returning through fertile farmland. 166 This may mean demolishing the building or returning it to its original use. 167 There will then be a day's walk in the local area before returning to Soll and your hotel. 168 Ex-inmate Tony Cohla told yesterday how the thought of ever returning to Ashworth makes his blood run cold. 169 It is proper to end this presentation by returning to the equation we began with. 170 He would be gone from here, perhaps returning briefly at nights for some food, then off again. 171 They have left, believing they could do better for themselves elsewhere, and then having gone they dream always of returning. 172 She heard him returning just as she sat back to admire her handiwork. 173 The sky had darkened, clouds had gathered, and birds were returning, flying in belatedly to feed their chicks. 174 Nicholas Humphrey's project, to establish a theory of how consciousness evolved, begins by returning to sensation. 175 It isn't about the dead hand of the past, the unsettled guilt-edged accounts of history returning to haunt the present. 176 Mr Trie gave us a donation which we will be returning. 177 That incident occurred about 10 to 15 miles offshore, as the four fighter planes were returning from a training mission. 178 We would also suggest an attempt to conciliate Fred by returning the responsibility for special functions to him. 179 What is your country doing to prevent Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge returning to power? 180 He was given 25 years but tried to negotiate a cut in his sentence by returning half of the stolen gold.