快好知 kuaihz

1. He made little proficiency in literary accomplishments. 2. The key to acquiring proficiency in any task is repetition. 3. His proficiency as a surgeon is well known. 4. Nick's proficiency with computers is well-known. 5. I brought her proficiency up to the required level. 6. He acquired greater proficiency after a three-month intensive course. 7. Evidence of basic proficiency in English is part of the admission requirement. 8. A reasonable proficiency in English is a prerequisite for the course. 9. The students' proficiency in speaking English is also tested. 10. Unless she's turned on by her proficiency with the spittoon. 11. He spent days just gaining a proficiency with the typewriter. 12. S schools to raise their proficiency in science and math to the highest levels in the world. 13. However, the growing number of students with instrumental proficiency in recent years has meant an increasing concentration on orchestral work. 14. Proficiency is increasing in contract work and staff have specialist knowledge of such one off tasks. 15. Caldwell passed a high-school proficiency test and left home at 17. 16. Others achieved considerable proficiency and could carry on extended conversations. 17. Once a certain level of proficiency has been reached, the karate student starts to learn stances beyond the basic stance. 18. Once children have achieved a certain proficiency as a reader, they prefer to read silently. 19. He taught himself to carve to a high degree of proficiency. 20. It said in the job ad that they wanted proficiency in at least two languages. 21. The test results were used as an index of language proficiency. 22. If it rains, there will be aerobics and make up morning, followed by indoor cycling proficiency. 23. He will not expect miracles, only a reasonable standard of proficiency. 24. Breadth of knowledge will be more important than technical proficiency. 25. The principal component, as always, is lack of language proficiency. 26. These caulks are paintable, clean up with soap and water and also require some proficiency for a smooth finish. 27. I haven't attempted to master its intricacies yet, but no doubt we shall both acquire some sort of proficiency in time. 28. Time spent in acquiring the preliminary concepts will amply repay itself later in terms of understanding, enjoyment and proficiency in mathematics. 29. Don't get depressed - bird identification is difficult and there is no quick way to proficiency. 30. His main relief was farming, which he engaged in with considerable proficiency.