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61. Only through constant practice, can we improve our language proficiency quickly. 62. Research has shown that readers who engage in regular repeated readings improve their word recognition, reading rate, comprehension, and overall reading proficiency. 63. To enhance language education, the Government has also set language proficiency requirements for teachers of English and Putonghua. 64. Memorability: When users return to the design after a period of not using it, how easily can they reestablish proficiency? 65. But the relationship between language proficiency and cultural intelligence is still unrevealed because of the mixed results from empirical researches on that. 66. The low proficiency subjects resorted to general world knowledge more frequently as a result of their weak linguistic processing abilities. 67. The Koch method of building code proficiency character-by-character is similar to standard methods of teaching touch typing, another skill that must be reflexive. 68. According to the correlation between language teaching and testing, language tests involve five basic types:proficiency test, aptitude test, achievement test, diagnostic test, placement test. 68.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 69. Therefore, the conversion mode of an English way of thinking, understanding of cultural differences and promote cross-cultural awareness, can improve the English proficiency of students. 70. A file system for the teacher proficiency management is presented, which is designed on the computer with the multi-terminal disk on-line system. 71. English proficiency, marital status and social position factor etc, which acted as the mediate effect in the relations of acculturative stress and mental health. 72. The English competency is very important here. How is your English proficiency? 73. Creepage distance is an important test item of safety test and international proficiency test. 74. Familiar with process of import and export , master business negotiation skills. Pay attention to market analysis, market research. Hard work. Proficiency in computer. 75. Commonly used compound sentence structures, key language points and rhetorical methods are highlighted so that students achieve proficiency level through the comprehensive study. 76. In particular, it is claimed that bilingual children never gain proficiency in English and therefore are unable to compete in the job market. 77. Others hold that even if learners have full access to the Universal Grammar, it is done through their native language, and therefore, their language is short of native-like proficiency. 78. When Rexxar engages an opponent , his animalistic nature grants him even greater proficiency in single combat. 79. To make continuous progress on the job standard and proficiency. 80. The Thames Valley District School Board is participating in a field-test of the Steps to English Proficiency (STEP) project sponsored by the Ministry of Education. 81. A horizontal analysis indicates that on each proficiency level, the EFL learners have serious problems with English hypotactic means application. 82. In Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT), tests are automatically tailored to the proficiency level of the individual examinees, and the testing result is independent of examination items. 83. English proficiency, to the use of English telephone communication and exchange. 84. As a general rule, the defining feature of modern videogame storytelling is its ineptness—its near-total lack of imagination, ambition, technical proficiency, and, well, brains. 85. Scores language proficiency , academic background knowledge and academic reading were analyzed by four multiple linear regressions. 86. Mr. Darcy spoke with affectionate praise of his sister's proficiency. 87. External proficiency testing also provides an ongoing comparison of inter - laboratory measurement error. 88. The result indicates that CET6 writers show higher language proficiency from the perspective of word frequency, average word length and sentence length. 89. It has to dulcify sex, controled various pole method technique and beat with proficiency, success rate day sees an exaltation, is also an activity which inebriates the public. 90. Calculation and numerical analysis from programming educesaccurate measurement of creepage distance in complicated structure, thereby strengthening the proficiency test ability.