快好知 kuaihz

181, They reckoned that my extra weight had protected my heart, and I was also wearing heavy, rubber-soled safety boots. 182, So after the early strawberries have been protected, use the cloches as a fruit cage. 183, The role of Government should be to ensure that such pensions met sensible regulation so that the public interest was protected. 184, Drawings are prepared for most designs and drawings are protected by copyright as artistic works, irrespective of artistic quality. 185, The golden eagle, at one time persecuted to near extinction by game keepers, is now a strictly protected bird. 186, All thoroughly unlawful but there is a limit to public patience when the law- abiding feel they are not protected by officialdom. 187, Nor had the courts outlawed most patronage hiring and firing and protected most employees from wrongful discharge. 188, The opponents also wanted to ferret out the guilty, but they insisted that the rights protected. 189, The board argued that the dispute was not protected by the First Amendment since it was an internal personnel matter. 190, I am sceptical about the proposition that minority rights can be protected by redrawing internal frontiers. 191, Protected areas of global importance, including the Wolong Panda Reserve, may experience radical changes. 192, Generally, however, printed circuit boards will be protected, through their preparatory drawings, by copyright. 193, On the one hand, people in communities hard hit by criminal activity need to be protected. 194, Finally we locate the top pitch, a fine crack and poorly protected traverse. 195, Every society must be protected from a too facile flow of thought. 196, For instance, the various ownership rights of the capitalist class will be enshrined in and protected by the laws of the land. 197, Why, after all, should public bodies be specially protected from the grievances of citizens who feel strongly enough to litigate? 198, The dome is protected by a timber roof and is tiled on the exterior. 199, One folk tale about Johnson suggested he was protected by an extraordinary power. 200, The wearing of an armband to express certain views is the kind of symbolic act protected by that amendment. 201, Against doctor's advice, and protected by specially made up mesh clothing, he continued to the finish. 202, Protected by his enchanted armour Aenarion stood unscathed at the centre of the firestorm. 203, The best-class rubbish is found at the gates of high-walled mansions, their privacy protected by barking Alsatians and uniformed guards. 204, They ceased to be fortresses protected by strong doors and iron bars and became elegant shops with windows in place of grilles. 205, Muelle Deportivo is protected by its own breakwater and is located in the southern extremity of the main harbour. 206, The clearing house is also protected from excessive credit risk through the operation of a system of daily price limits. 207, So if the market falls, he is protected by the option. 208, Protected by officers, the team staked out a farmyard where the goatsucker was believed to have attacked. 209, For example, in some cases the bill would make it illegal for Internet users to access information not protected by copyright. 210, You feel protected and at rest and you have a great desire for solitude.