快好知 kuaihz

211, What if these citizens were quietly protected, even aided and abetted, by our elected officials? 212, And then, protected against the pitfalls of this curious patois, you can book your ticket to Tokyo in complete confidence. 213, The engine compartment is completely wax protected and the whole car has three layers of paint rather than two. 214, Certain protected expenses were to be financed in full from the budget, and submitted to the Supreme Soviet for approval. 215, His body was protected by armour fore and aft. 216, Plants must be covered with a leaf-mould or similarly protected if frost threatens. 217, All are aposematuically colored , suggesting that they all are chemically protected. 218, Its rare and protected fauna species rank the 2 nd nationwide. 219, Neither the timber frame nor metal chassis were protected against rot. 220, As the protected infant industries grow, their costs sometimes fail to decline. 221, Caribbean reefs protected by no - fishing zones despite rise in predators. 222, Our infantry was protected by a curtain of artillery fire. 223, The purchaser of this automobile is protected by the manufacturer's warranty. 224, A firm secures a needed commodity and is protected against price fluctuation.