快好知 kuaihz

31. The pond teemed with tadpoles. 32. The evening breeze ruffled the pond. 33. The pond has a diameter of three hundred metres. 34. Fishing in this pond is forbidden; penalty $5. 35. The boys stripped naked and jumped in the pond. 36. The toy sailboat danced on the pond. 37. The pond is six feet in diameter. 38. The pond was well stocked with fish. 39. The frog plopped back into the pond. 40. After a time they came to a pond. 41. A light wind disturbed the surface of the pond. 42. Ice had formed on the pond. 43. The pond mirrors the surrounding trees. 44. The pond was alive with fish. 45. The pond had frozen solid. 46. Ducks lit on the pond. 47. The pond has iced up. 48. She swam across the pond. 49. The pond measures about 2 metres across. 50. The pond stank like a sewer. 51. The severe cold froze the pond. 52. This pond often catches in winter. 53. The path descends to the pond. 54. The pond iced over during the night. 55. Water had been slowly seeping away from the pond. 56. The pond was choked with rotten leaves. 57. The pond was alive with frogs. 58. Fishing in this pond is strictly preserved. 59. The water in the pond was stagnating. 60. The ice on that pond is unsafe for skating.