ornamental造句31. The theatre was rebuilt in a heavily ornamental classicist style, complete with doric columns and decorative masks.
32. The turrets above were purely ornamental but had guns installed during wartime.
33. Certainly each of the six crab apples planted in my garden earn their keep in wildlife and ornamental terms.
34. In this case the defendant for many years had been in possession of some artificial ornamental lakes formed by damming up a natural stream.
35. The screen and the ornamental woodwork of pulpit, font lid and choir stalls they chopped up for firewood.
36. Planting and routine care of top fruit is the same as for ornamental garden trees.
37. Miller quickly assimilated all that his father had himself taught him, within theory and practice of ornamental and kitchen gardening.
38. Fei Yen stood by the window looking down the steep slope towards the terrace and the ornamental lake.
39. Church services too became more elaborate and ornamental with the lavish use of incense and ever richer vestments.
40. Vauxhall, George Smith: an ornamental design echoing the wrought-iron work of the once famous Vauxhall Gardens.
41. Characteristic of the workshop are long ornamental extensions to the initials.
42. Fountains Many garden pools have ornamental fountains which are switched on on hot days or when you are in the garden.
43. You can also use them safely in or around an ornamental pond.
44. The tail is suffused with a yellow ochre colouring, and the scale patterning on the upper body is ornamental.
45. Residents will be banned from filling swimming pools and spas, washing their vehicles at home and operating ornamental fountains.
46. Rather, the story acts as a framework for a series of ornamental tours de force.
47. These have ornamental foliage and iridescent lavender blooms in summer.
48. But as the century progressed, their position became more ornamental than functional.
49. It was very windy and one of the new sightscreens had blown over, destroying an ornamental cherry tree.
50. The veined and variegated roots yielded beautiful veneers much prized for ornamental work.
51. At Catterick, for instance, the only concentration of pottery was found in the ornamental fountain.
52. I passed through an ornamental entranceway with the street number in wrought iron arched across it in a rainbow shape.
53. If a more decorative fountain is required, an ornamental fountain, such as this dolphin one, can be installed.
54. They thought he was reaching for an ornamental knife when in fact he was just picking up a pair of socks.
55. The cemetery was a square plot of ground, enclosed by a high wall with ornamental turrets at the corners.
56. The empty ornamental pond was choked with rotten leaves, starlings blew about the place like avian litter.
57. Straight ahead were two ornamental doors which opened into the stalls.
58. The identification of apparent patterning amongst types and sub-groups of ornamental metalwork can easily induce a false sense of satisfaction.
59. What only a few weeks ago had been a car park was transformed into an ornamental duck pond.
60. Some wore cloaks clasped at the neck with huge ornamental brooches.