sung造句181. The song Over the Rainbow was sung by Judy Garland.
182. For instance Zhang Xueyou's song, behave on colour bell before bad, he is in what when domestic itinerate is sung, we help him do, volume of colour bell download is very high still now.
183. The theme song of the XXIX Beijing Olympic Games was sung by Liu Huan and Sarah Brightman.
184. Kai-wing Chow (1995) has suggested a much better term to describe the Sung sense of return to classical values: purism.
185. The preacher was lining out a hymn. He lined out two lines, everyone sung it.
186. Surface's looking is to scatter ball, in truth is hit toward the Sung clear hero's empress back quondam.
187. Masters are many in your hall, and songs are sung there at all hours.
188. A biblical text sung between the Epistle and the Gospel of the Mass.
189. The Sung Dan friendship is his younger sister, anyhow, he also would not like to she with that bedlamite pull together.
190. Night after night have I sung of him, though I knew him not, and now I see him.
191. Sung is lactose intolerant and his doctor put him on a low-salt diet.
192. Lehar's Merry Widow Waltz sung as a lullaby with guided visualizations to release the mind and body into renewing sleep.
193. The newly formed intellectual class of the Sung Dynasty cultivated their tastes in living.
194. The songs broadcasting in the sound device were getting back from Russia several years ago. It was an opus collection sung by a very famous Russian songstress at present.
195. Probably tomorrow Kao Sung - nien won't even recognize this lousy professor. ".
196. At times, certain populations fared somewhat better — in ancient Greece and Rome, perhaps, and in China during the Sung Dynasty (960–1279) — but those cases were exceptional.
197. Hangzhou is also one of the seven famous ancient chinese capital, Wu and Yue of Five Dynasty and Southern Sung Dynasty all set capital there.
198. Among the specialized software institutes, Korea Computer Center(KCC), Pyongyang Information Center(PIC), Kim II Sung University Information Center(KIUIC) are important ones.
199. Since the Sung Dynasty, connoisseurs have generally regarded a cup of pale tea as the best.
200. Do you think a taekwondo guy can do SUNG Bong - shik?
201. Xu Xuan' s poetry style changed along with his grievous experience from euphemistical and graceful description in Southern Tang Dynasty to exquisite and implicit depiction in Sung Dynasty.
202. Mandarin is a tonal language, where changes in pitch can deliver radically different meanings: "English can be sung fast and understood, but Chinese cannot," says Zhang.
203. Combining individual professed calibre processing modules, Voxformer was fashioned to be a broad resolution for every your communicatory processing needs – be it uttered or sung vocals.
204. The rest of the Mass was sung, in Mozart's characteristic composition of majesty alternating with sweetness: Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus ... Osanna in excelsis ... Agnus Dei.
205. This song sung all three of us is part of our repertoire.
206. The history of Gregorian Chant begins before the birth of Christ. Chant is based upon the songs sung in the synagogues and Middle Eastern countries.
207. But the version most people still know best was sung by Bing Crosby.