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law and order造句
31. Make me dictator for five years and I'll show you what I can do. I'll clean the dirt out. We need to bring law and order and should bring about the necessary changes in the constitution to achieve this. And we should stop vote bank politics done in the name of communal harmony. People have stopped loving their country. Everybody has forgotten the "mother" in motherland.Dharminder 32. Sentencing policies, as a result of law and order campaigns mean the prisoners are younger and more likely to be black. 33. Treating this tragedy as a law and order matter misses the point, because it fails to distinguish between symptom and cause. 34. I have tried to show the real gap between Labour and the Conservative party and Government on matters of law and order. 35. The nature of public goods explains why defence and law and order were the first areas where government provision became dominant. 36. The total disregard for law and order made it difficult to identify which attacks were political and which were not. 37. Their priority is the restoration of law and order in the region. 38. First, we need a tough and hard-edged law and order service. 39. The men of violence want to drive a wedge between the forces of law and order and the people they protect. 40. Fifthly, the periodic meetings of Great Powers which together acted as self-appointed guarantors of international law and order. 41. Neighborhood leaders are working with police to maintain law and order. 42. His party claims to be the party of law and order, the family, back to basics. 43. There is no doubt that there are many reasons for the steady breakdown of law and order and these must be examined. 44. They gave them much latitude in day-to-day operations and allowed them to mould law and order policies according to counter-insurgency theories. 45. Personal insecurity was meanwhile increased by a rapidly deteriorating law and order situation which was fuelled by arms smuggling from the mainland. 46. The Minister of Law and Order denied any police responsibility and suggested that many of those who died had committed suicide. 47. It arises from the need to maintain law and order. 48. The administration of law and order may enforce another definition of crime which is different from the legal definition. 49. My hon. and learned Friend will be glad to welcome the 16.7 percent. increase for the law and order programme. 50. The law and order lobby, in contrast, focuses on deterring the offender with ever harsher punishments. 51. But there are a few well worn examples which have clearly seen action although not for law and order. 52. A different set of values existed, such as parental respect, and a healthy respect for law and order. 53. It would be better for law and order if criminals were deterred by the possibility of receiving a longer sentence. 54. He was appointed commissioner in 1975 and was quickly identified with the tough law and order stand of the then coalition government. 55. And this is strange because he has been all his working life that representative of law and order, a dedicated policeman. 56. Faced with the financial consequences of its commitment to a hard law and order policy the Government has attempted a conjuring trick. 57. The law and order section is a prime target for every kind of scam. 58. It was the ordinary police who prevented a complete collapse of law and order in the loyalist urban districts of Belfast. 59. Now the forces of law and order that left vandals to do as they pleased were putting him behind bars. 60. It has had to rewrite aspects of law and order in order to gain support for its economic policies.