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law and order造句
61. Who could say how much law and order had been eroded by soup stains, a careless buttoning, an inept shave. 62. The hon. Gentleman again raised the question of law and order. 63. Government began to conceive its duties as extending beyond those of maintaining law and order and of defending the realm. 64. You can't have law and order without lawlessness and disorder, just as you can't have light without darkness. 65. Indeed, it would represent a complete breakdown, not just of law and order, but of all civilised values. 66. The law and order lobby has grown in strength during the Conservative ascendancy. 67. First there is the fact of statehood, with the implied acceptance of law and order by the people. 68. Law and order, to take an important example, wins few votes except by the threat of tough actions and crackdowns. 69. Don't trample law and order under hoot. 70. Caused by poor law and order. 71. Volatile law and order situation also dishearten foreign tourists. 72. According to your American standards of law and order, won't the rioter on the LA street being shot at? 73. Punctuation , one is taught, has a point: to keep up law and order. 74. I know that some countries, I will not go, such as France, because of poor law and order, as despicable, shameless, because there is very dirty. 75. A thin veneer of law and order barely keeps the seething, bubbling cauldron of chaos and anarchy in check. 76. Martin in court for their alleged violation of public law and order show my dissatisfaction. 77. For 73 percent, it was the question of law and order. 78. These states needed an organization for the implementation of law and order and for setting up a defensive structure. 79. Bo, should he win a seat on the Standing Committee, is also expected to be put in charge of law and order. 80. In a wide-ranging law and order policy review, Tony Blair announced greater police powers to seize non-cash assets and new measures to help prisoner rehabilitation. 81. It is only seeking for the ultimate ground of a harmony with the lawful technics from the highest spirit of culture so that the law and order of suitableness and appropriation may be formed . 82. According to the survey, anything locked shops are located in the black or Latino community gathering area is also relatively poor law and order. 83. Now, they must impose law and order in the restive town of Nablus, better known for its carjackings and gang shooting sprees. 84. Often former gang members and graduates of the prison system, the interrupters have a hard-nosed approach to law and order. 85. The law and order is becoming the main value preference nowadays, therefore, as an important integrating element, law belief has been becoming one of Chinese academic circle's hot topics. 86. Was her speech subversive ( of law and order )? 87. That could have broader ramifications for China because Mr. Bo, should he win a seat on the Standing Committee, is also expected to be put in charge of law and order. 88. So my priority number one is to maintain law and order in the country. 89. People are not in a position to exercise personal liberty and to be self-determining if they are poverty-stricken, or deprived of basic education, or do not live within a context of law and order. 90. Moreover, faced with the crisis, de Villepin finally agreed to cooperate with Sarkozy, concurring that they will not allow violence to rule France and that everything must return to law and order.