快好知 kuaihz

91. Some of that climber's grey matter has been revived and placed into a robot-climbing machine. 92. He liked the fact that he had fought back from the break-up with Yamaguchi, revived a career in shambles. 93. Fraser and I both studied classical music and revived it playing traditional stuff. 94. Souvenir hunters revived the centuries-old tradition after a huge tanker washed up on the rocks below East Prawle, Devon. 95. Today's visitors come simply to relax and to be revived by the pleasures of sun and sea. 96. I had been revived by my contact with Tom Watt,[www.] although a shade concerned about his anxieties. 97. It was highly acclaimed, revived in 1990, and again this year. 98. In the early days of the Bonn Republic members of the higher courts freely invoked a revived Natural Law. 99. Now the concept is being revived with the City Technology Colleges of the 1980s and 1990s. 100. This old fish-drying plant has been revived to manufacture the drug, which is sent south for use in the trial. 101. It took a long time, in some cases, for them to be revived in our time and for our benefit. 102. With Bley conducting and Paul Haines, the original librettist, as narrator, the opera was revived to ecstatic reviews. 103. Reg tore this apart and produced wonderful cool refreshing water which revived us all. 104. During Ellis's tenure at Kurunagala cattle stealing went into a sharp decline, but as soon as he left the district it revived. 105. The renewed interest in alternative fuels and feedstocks has revived coal gasification and the old technology is rapidly being brought up to date. 106. Mother and daughter wailed, obviously revived by the melon they had devoured. 107. Swaledale is a traditional cheese of the same era as Wensleydale, which has been revived and is now selling well. 108. As Garcia was being moved on to a gurney at the hospital, he stopped breathing but was revived. 109. Trading on the name and our undying devotion, Carlton have revived Crossroads. 110. In fact, some accounts of the times attribute about 80 percent of the revived interest in neural networks directly to Hopfield. 111. As development proceeds, egocentrism slowly wanes and is revived in a different form when new cognitive structures are attained. 112. The repertory company revived plays from 30 years ago. 113. It revived their hope of winning the pennant. 114. The lifeguard revived the man by artificial respiration. 115. How I writhed, and yawned, and nodded, and revived! 116. MostRevived: Most times revived a teammate. 117. The doctors revived the comatose man. 118. The exaction was revived by Richard I. 119. The youth movement was revived. 120. The timely rain revived the droughtstricken crops.