快好知 kuaihz

121. His encouraging words revived my drooping spirits. 122. John Barton had revived to fitful intelligence. 123. I was debarrassed of interruption; my half - effaced thought instantly revived. 124. The air that came fragrantly to his brow revived his languid senses. 125. The Expressionist movement revived a new and emancipated human nature, and its literary subjectivity echoes the human nature and love advocated by the Storm and Stress movement. 126. The Monte Carlo name was revived in 1995 for a 12-year run as a two-door version of the front-wheel-drive,[www.] Lumina but it was only a pale imitation. 127. His conversation with Benjy, which followed , revived the irritation Nim frequently felt about his in-laws. 128. An unexpected bonus had revived the spirits of Keycase Milne. 129. He told me the story of how Cano revived the yeast, how it resembled brewer's yeast. 130. His successor, Anwar Sadat, freed political prisoners, revived the economy and won a peace agreement with Israel that got back what Nasser had lost. 131. S. universities extracted a gene from a preserved specimen of a thylacine and revived it in a mouse embryo. 132. The name was revived by Napoleon for the provinces of Illyria (809-85) and retained for the kingdom of Illyria, a division of Austria from 8' to 849. 133. But fantasy is soon revived by Yang Fudong's room filled with rough, behind-the-scenes footage from his typically stylish, multiscreen new film Fifth Night. 134. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's new campaign against teenage binge drinking in Australia revived questions last week about his own drunken escapade in a New York strip club. 135. Universities extracted a gene from a preserved specimen of a thylacine and revived it in a mouse embryo . 136. Party members KO'd in battle while on a quest are now automatically revived after the battle is won. 137. But first of all, the topic did come up that Kid Icarus would be revived, and that Kid Icarus would be well-matched with a game idea that was particular to my style. 138. So his killers shot him in the back with a revolver. Rasputin fell but later revived. 139. My arid heart revived; my affliction is lightened; my strait and struggle are gone. 140. Forexample, Neo-Confucianism was a revived version of old Confucianprinciples that appeared around the Song Dynasty, with Buddhist, Taoist, and Legalist features in the religion. 141. His play " The Circle " had been brilliantly revived in England by Evelyn Laye and Frank Lawton. 142. The Papal State, extinct since 1870, was revived as the State of Vatican City, as a result of the Lateran Treaty. 143. Revived, he crawled on, found water two days later, and eventually staggered into a camp at the nearest waterhole. 144. The Qin's extremism was also its undoing and it was soon replaced by the more enduring Han dynasty, which sought compromise with aristocratic elites and legitimation through a revived Confucianism. 145. (At the climax it gets revived with jumper cables.) In Hollywood movies such behavior is unacceptable; it's children who get to abuse adults by sassing and sabotaging them. 146. Firefighters in Florida revived several dogs by performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation after they were rescued from a house fire. 147. The company revived the finances of the Oxford Union with a generous £1m endowment. 148. Those hands embody the scientific naturalism that began among the Lombard Herbalists of the late 14th century and would be revived, a century after Leonardo, in Caravaggio and his followers. 149. The plan amid a welter of criticism but has now been revived in a different guise. 150. Each nook and each object revived a memory, and simultaneously modified it.