快好知 kuaihz

(91) That was a very shrewd thing to say in 1940 but it did not happen for nearly five years. (92) A poignant or shrewd quotation may consolidate or embellish your final remarks. (93) The therapist should always err on the side of caution; the hypotheses set up are merely shrewd guesses. (94) A shrewd and learned editor, a patient mentor, and a courteous friend, his Boswell is a lasting memorial. (95) A defendant can combat an obstinate refusal even to consider compromise by a shrewd payment into court, or a Calderbank offer. (96) She's a shrewd businesswoman. (97) But Iris, so shrewd in some ways, was hopelessly unworldly in others. (98) Was he, perhaps, an actor, a ghost, a shrewd fiction? (99) Making objectives explicit is a hostage to fortune and the failure to do so may reflect a shrewd awareness. 2. (100) Indeed, he was shrewd and tough, two weapons needed to survive in the jungle that is boxing. (101) The shrewdest of the shrewd race of Connecticut Yankee peddlers, he understood the people in their multiple desires. (102) His overtures were not immediately successful, but a shrewd buy was Oldham's reserve goalkeeper Frank Moss. (103) Like every shrewd politician, Michael Heseltine has placed a two-way bet. (104) Shrewd in business, he had a ready wit and a distinctive appearance, with a full beard and piercing eyes. (105) Salomon Brothers was full of shrewd, knowing people, I said, and we would draw from their reservoir of ideas. (106) In reality Goldie is a shrewd operator who is proud to have made it to the top on her own merits. (107) Shrewd in the transfer market and refreshingly frank in his public pronouncements, Lennie has been the signing of the season. (108) Elsewhere, Roy and Barry opened Blubber Cars minicabs-a shrewd move in a square which no one ever leaves. (109) I have a reputation for shrewd management decisions. (110) Oh, you are a shrewd wiggler. (111) He was a shrewd, sagacious old man. (112) His eyes were shrewd and bawdy. (113) Mrs. Saddletree was an observing, shrewd, notable woman. (114) He was just shrewd and calculating and heartless. (115) A shrewd reply that tells us exactly nothing. (116) A shrewd diplomat must be a master of finesse. (117) It should prove a shrewd investment. (118) She is shrewd in a sort. (119) Shrewd bargainers, Toydarians liked to socialize and strike deals. (120) He isn't shrewd enough to organize a thing of that kind.