快好知 kuaihz

(31) His passions were antique furniture and shrewd bargaining. (32) A shrewd aid programme does us a favour. (33) Richard is a fast learner and shrewd observer. (34) Pre-match preparation and shrewd organisation have created consistency. (35) There was a good living to be had for a shrewd man in an institution. (36) Like any shrewd businessmen, the Fuggers knew how to put their cash to political uses. (37) Are you a shrewd businessman, quick to see the profits of this world? (38) The haulier will seek to exclude his contractual liability for certain acts or omissions, just like any other shrewd businessman. (39) I bet you've got a shrewd guess what's in it. (40) The principal, William Johnstone, though he played the eccentric was in fact very shrewd. (41) It is a private university, heavily dependent on a vast endowment created by private donations and increased by shrewd investment. (42) Lucid, intelligent, and shrewd, this is a most useful contribution to a fascinating but little-studied period of history. (43) Charlie Harris was a shrewd street-seller whose appearance and demeanour tugged at the heartstrings of the compassionate. (44) It was impossible to tell whether this youth was very shrewd or rather simple. (45) Any shrewd business owner, after all, wants to get customers in and out as quickly and efficiently as possible. (46) I think Moira's a very shrewd operator when she's looking at paintings, and I find it very useful indeed. (47) But you can forget about those successful and shrewd decisions being remembered if people other than the Rangers sip from the Cup. (48) And, of course, if he was shrewd enough, the emir Tzani-bey would want to bargain with him. (49) Shrewd movie bosses are laughing all the way to the bank - they have already planned Home Alone 3. (50) Shrewd, methodical, and determined, Banks combined business acumen with political trimming. (51) Sachs was a shrewd judge of character, and chose his staff well. (52) He had settled in Ireland many years ago and through his shrewd business ability and financial acumen he had become very wealthy. (53) His appearance only enhanced his reputation, a leonine head, steel-grey hair, sharp, shrewd eyes. (54) That is not to say that some people are not naturally more perceptive, sympathetic and shrewd than others. (55) Are you a shrewd businessman, quick to see an opportunity or a bargain? (56) Dark-haired, he had shrewd beady eyes, was clean-shaven and showed the beginnings of a jowl. (57) Mr D'Arcy had been very, very rich and very shrewd. (58) And shrewd businesswoman that she has quickly become, she is milking the phenomenon for all it is worth. (59) Some shrewd Iowa pols also see an outside chance for former Gov. (60) Callaghan proved to be an imperturbable and shrewd pilot for these storms.