detract造句1. The scandal will not detract from her fame.
2. These revelations should not detract from his achievements.
3. The publicity could detract from our election campaign.
4. The sexual scandal will detract from the president's fame.
5. He was determined not to let anything detract from his enjoyment of the trip.
6. Muhammad Ali's showmanship in the ring shouldn't detract from his considerable skill.
7. The peeling wall detract from the beauty of the room.
8. One mistake is not going to detract from your achievement.
9. Her striking mannerisms detract from the reality of the character.
10. Jemson's problems shouldn't detract from woeful Wednesday's own troubles and their disappointing performance.
11. All this was strategy he had developed to detract from their discrepancy in height.
12. Any fears that either food or service might detract from this otherwise delightful scene were immediately dismissed -- both are excellent.
13. Also, will more efficient personal transportation detract from incentives to invest in mass transit?
14. The omission of these chapters will not detract from your general appreciation of homoeopathy.
15. But these are quibbles, and in no way detract from Jane Brown's achievement.
16. This does not detract, however, from the general value of conducting the type of analysis suggested by Hayzen.
17. They felt that the proposed development would detract from the rural character of the area because of its size, height and bulk.
18. The timing of the minister's visit, however, could somewhat detract from the goodwill it's supposed to generate.
19. Remember you want your visuals to reinforce your message, not detract from what you are saying.
20. Do not be tempted to start a harder routine at the beginning as this will almost certainly detract from the potential gains.
21. The contours of a site are obviously important and may add or detract from its development potential.
22. Another is that its method of valuation was too complex and this would detract from its widespread adoption.
23. For instance, if there is one other woman engineer she may detract from your special status.
24. To identify people by name can be seen to detract from the objectivity of the report.
25. This would allow some room for choice, but would not detract from the fundamental notion of a centrally planned service.
26. I think this is a very convenient sort of way to detract attention from much more serious problems.
27. C S Collins An obvious enthusiast, with a strong sense of humour which did not detract from his very informative presentation.
28. The political motives that lay behind this patronage in no way detract from the superb aesthetic achievement that it produced.
29. Some observers worry that the role of landlord will detract from the primary business of five-star hotels.
30. No amount of display or pomp is going to increase it, or lack of it detract.