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31. But the real beauty of this bass is that the playing of it does not detract from this favourable first impression. 32. The market forces people to add value to raw materials, not detract from them. 33. These omissions do not detract from the value of this reference work. 34. It would also detract from the open aspect of the field and more generally from the landscape character of the areas. 35. This would detract from the goodwill for which the purchaser has usually paid a premium. 36. However, these are insufficient to detract from a very readable and extensive account of modern mass spectrometry. 37. To be sure, too much detail would detract from the ritual of the road trip / quest myth. 38. Such points, nevertheless, should not detract from the overall value of his political theory. 39. Do they detract from the clarity of the articles? 40. Such classification tends to detract from generality. 41. The lamp cord is tucked away in one of the legs so as not to detract from the clean lines of the composition. 42. The implausibility of that claim should not detract from the potential impact of the plan. 43. "It's not going to detract from the dignity of Nelson Mandela, " declared the producer Rick Leed. 44. A cur barking at the sun cannot detract from its glory. 45. This does not, however, detract from the utility of the terms. 46. Detract from the main types of measures are an alternative transaction, stop performance, the defaulting party has made a new offer, continue to perform the four.