快好知 kuaihz

61. Don't scratch - the rash will get infected. 62. This kudu also infected her daughter, probably during birth. 63. But in reality the entire country was infected. 64. Every day, 14,000 more become infected. 65. Burn all infected leaves and spray plants with fungicide. 66. Had I been infected by my owl? 67. Through infected blood and blood products entering the bloodstream. 68. The water here is infected with cholera. 69. The cut on my foot became infected. 70. Destroy infected leaves and use a fungicide. 71. Any infected person can pass the virus to others. 72. Some people get infected easily and die rapidly. 73. Tiny Kane Elmore died after becoming infected with the bacteria following heart surgery. 74. Watch the area closely to make sure it does not become infected. 75. Donkeys acquire infection as foals and yearlings and tend to remain infected, presumably through re-exposure, all their lives. 76. The fibrous tissues round the infected area impedes access of antituberculous substances. 77. It is alleged that the flock is infected with Salmonella typhimurium. 78. Dennis was 23 when the 300-acre farm-a family home for two centuries-became infected in 1967. 79. A small number of people think they have been infected through sucking. 80. Former lorry driver Leonard Marder finds it difficult to walk because of an infected leg caused by varicose veins. 81. Only a minority of patients infected with H pylori will eventually develop a duodenal ulcer. 82. Eradication of the less serious fungi is usually a simple matter of cutting out and burning the infected timber. 83. Although most chronically infected patients appear to have clinically apparent hepatitis, a subclinical chronic carrier state also exists. 84. The strategy turned out to be successful, and the resultant recombinant viruses produced reasonably large amounts of HbsAg in infected cells. 85. People who were infected by them immediately became as men possessed ad out of their minds. 86. Surely she accepts that the Government were right to provide compensation for haemophiliacs who became infected through contaminated blood factor 8. 87. Once-a-day activity with an infected person leads to infection on average within six weeks. 88. But all attempts to isolate and identify viruses from infected tissue proved fruitless. 89. No one knows for sure how many people are infected. 90. He also used to take me into the insect house, where he kept mosquitoes infected with tropical diseases.