快好知 kuaihz

91. Mackowiak theorizes that this evolved to quickly kill badly infected organisms to prevent epidemic infection within species. 92. The profile of this population was generally quite different from that of infected homosexual men. 93. When measured against the suffering of people infected with a lethal disease, this point sounds abstract, even callous. 94. Subtype E already has infected at least 15 million heterosexual men, women and children. 95. Her baby was born on May 24, but it is too early to know whether little Katya is infected as well. 96. Humans contract the disease when bitten by mosquitoes that have been infected by primates. 97. At the beginning of an epidemic only a few individuals are infected, so the disease spreads fairly slowly. 98. The vet diagnosed botulism so undoubtedly the goose was infected. 99. In drug addiction, infections such as hepatitis and septicaemia get into the blood stream through infected needles. 100. Semen infected with hepatitis or syphilis can be donated, but only if a woman agrees to accept it. 101. By 1984, 43. 7 percent of the New York cohort was infected. 102. It is important that everyone helps stop more and more people getting infected. 103. A subsequent trial in children previously infected with respiratory syncytial virus showed no reduction in either incidence or days of symptoms. 104. High government officials began to show symptoms, as did chaste wives who had been infected by their straying husbands. 105. The chance of getting infected from a pint of blood is less than 1 in a million. 106. Rots also increased on recipient tubers when the donors were heavily infected but were free of gangrene lesions. 107. Nine of the 16 still alive now are chronically infected but not necessarily sick. 108. In Britain 70 people have died and nine others are infected by the invariably fatal disease. 109. Then, many had the bad luck to be infected whereas here we are talking about only a few people. 110. Today, some research suggests that 50 percent of the city's intravenous drug users have been infected. 111. Over the next 5-15 years, 1000s more soldier cells in the body get infected. 112. The shortfall was being met by imported eggs from countries where there was no testing or compulsory slaughter of infected flocks. 113. Most of the infected babies will eventually develop the disease and die. 114. But it can get infected easily and I might not know it. 115. The cells destroy infected cells early, before they produce virus, thereby inhibiting viral replication, the company said. 116. No one knows how humans even become infected with the animal virus. 117. The more partners you have, the greater the risk of becoming infected with the AIDS virus. 118. What went largely unreported, however, was the fact that most of the people getting infected were gay men. 119. Alternatively, anti-HEV titres in subjects infected as children but not re-exposed as adults could have diminished beyond detection. 120. The genetically modified saplings will in due course be infected with the virus to test their resistance.