sympathetic造句(211) The rebel Cornishmen, joined by sympathetic Devonians, marched on Exeter and laid siege to the City.
(212) Success in part time senior registrar training requires tremendous personal commitment, a sympathetic supervisor, and a helpful postgraduate dean.
(213) The emotional setting in which sermons could be preached was made possible by a sympathetic audience: indeed, reciprocity was essential.
(214) Otherwise I could have brought myself to be more sympathetic.
(215) His profession would surely mean that he would listen to my request with a sympathetic ear.
(216) Recently, an anonymous note, clearly composed from a dialogue between a prisoner and a sympathetic guard, was smuggled out.
(217) If the school felt it could not cope with Balbinder then maybe he would be better in a more sympathetic environment.
(218) Resurrected here, he is considerably more sympathetic, and his last four wives wrestle with their feelings for him.
(219) Though very sympathetic and sensitive to the needs of the birth family most adopters did not feel they could cope with contact.
(220) He never deviated from the radical right's agenda, but he gave it a warm, sympathetic face.
(221) I thought she would be sympathetic because she's a sister.
(222) It is those who do not come from those dominant traditions who have to make the sympathetic adjustment.
(223) And they include cases where a more sympathetic attitude from the lender would be more helpful.
(224) President Ion Iliescu, who was in office from 1990 to 1996, was well-known for being sympathetic to Milosevic.
(225) Nigel and I were, above all, struck by the sympathetic treatment of an area which could so easily be spoiled.
(226) Urich has always been a likable actor, and he is sympathetic as a man trying to piece his life together.
(227) But almost everyone needs friends and some one to confide in who is non-judgmental, sympathetic and understanding.
(228) Normally this would have been the cue for some sympathetic teasing and commiseration, but not now.
(229) He put this to Gina but she was not very sympathetic.
(230) Larry spoke to Davis in sympathetic and solicitous tones during the interview.
(231) The nurse was aware of her humiliation and kept throwing sympathetic glances.
(232) The film is fairly sympathetic to Fleiss, who gave Broomfield an interview after ducking him for
(233) More sympathetic souls cautioned me against hasty decisions, but the ripples subsided fairly quickly.
(234) I recalled those days at school and looked for a sympathetic response.
(235) I do not wish to comment further now, but I am sympathetic to his point.
(236) I must admit that I was less sympathetic than I should have been.
(237) For people with mental health problems, a sympathetic ear and understanding is an essential part of their rehabilitation.
(238) He was sympathetic, but powerless to help.
(239) Delight filled every bosom, for they saw that he was powerfully sympathetic.
(240) Ramos invented the Sympathetic Wands and created a fascinating variety of effects with it: effects that involve levitation, animation and Telekinesis .