快好知 kuaihz

1, Her eyes were blinded by scalding tears. 2, Scalding tears poured down her face. 3, Gradually stir in the scalding hot milk. 4, The file clerk hands out the scalding. 5, The coffee was scalding hot. 6, The scalding flood swamped hundreds of homes and many people were plucked to safety by helicopter. 7, The sudden scalding pain, unexpected and acute, thrust him into a vortex of uncontrollable rage. 8, It was black and scalding with a kick like a Galloway bulls and it spread like fire through my tired frame. 9, Against her will, hot scalding tears burst from her eyes and down her cheeks. 10, From behind the scenes, a scalding eruption sends the poor receptionist scuttling out again. 11, She turned her head away, scalding tears coursing down her cheeks and on to the pillow which had absorbed her earlier grief. 12, Born in the scalding heat of the equator, she had, after all, been named after snow. 13, A thousand pinpricks of scalding steam grew to knife-points and the knives twisted. 14, A scalding liquid stopped up his throat when he tried to speak. 15, Enrique released the bonnet, standing back as the scalding cloud of steam escaped. 16, Gradually stir in the scalding hot milk. Add rice and raisins. 17, External application for: injuries from scalding, and local bleeding. 18, Scalding molten steel is in the crude iron ladle. 19, The scalding water burst forth from his eyes. 20, I tried to sip the tea but it was scalding. 21, I wish I could tell you that I poured scalding coffee in his lap! 22, After searing the inside of my esophagus with a hurriedly gulped cup of scalding coffee-I was now drinking coffee-I had collected myself. 23, Pictures of her parents, memories,[http:///scalding.html] flashed through her mind bringing hot scalding tears to her eyes. 24, Physical safety might include not being allowed to wander into dangerous surroundings, or to bathe in scalding hot water. 25, The coffee cup lurched in his fingers and he felt two scalding drops on his hand. 26, Dressed, he walks out there, into sun which pours over him like a thick, scalding soup. 27, Part of it was open to the sky, so that a wedge of scalding light fell into the gloom. 28, He put two spoonfuls of tea into the teapot, then poured in the scalding water from the kettle. 29, The prototype test showed that the treating temperature and time should be adjusted at different stages in order to acquire a good scalding effect and a high quality of meat and to save the energy. 30, During working, sharpening injury is the most frequency and directly incidents, and following immediately by high temperature scalding, disinfector and eradicator cauterizing.