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31, Objective: To study the effects of corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) neurons in the paraventricular nucleus( PVN) on the stress after scalding in rats. 32, At just above the scalding temperature, fish and eggs may be poached. 33, In the roaring scalding fulgurites, in the blusterous bleak storm, you will all realize that the god deceived you. 34, We all learned how to dip the corpses in scalding water, pluck and eviscerate them, and we all ate chicken for many days afterward. 35, He was still shaking and his skin was scalding 9 to her touch. 36, I was criticized, so my face was scalding and I felt ashamed. 37, The whole parameters of screen conveyer fulling and scalding machine was determined. 38, Open switch of outfall under the boiling shrimp machine, drain out of water. prevent the water from spattering workers and avoiding scalding. 39, Scalding , temperature and packaging , the three major factors influencing the quality and self-life of fresh-cut taros were investigated preliminarily on this test. 40, Objective : To observe therapeutical effect of anisodamine on scalding injury and study its mechanism. 41, The rising sun illuminates Black Rock Desert and the Fly Geyser, which sends a continuous stream of scalding, mineral-laden water sky-high. 42, There is also a also belong to the scalding hot device. 43, Head northeast up the road. Kill any Scalding Rock Elementls nearby. While doing that, collect 4 Juniper Berries from the small bushes in the area. 44, May your eyes never shed such stormy , scalding , heartwrung tears as poured from mine. 45, Scalding may occur within five seconds at a temperature setting of 135℉. 46, In this paper, the effect of the scalding conditions on keeping the dehydrated string bean green was studied in detail. 47, In my bathroom I had only scalding hot water in the bathtub but no plug. 48, Different-shaped handles, square for hot and round for cold, would permit the soapy-eyed bather to adjust water temperature without alternately scalding or freezing himself. 49, On a police stake-out, the action will only ever take place when food is being consumed and scalding hot coffees are perched precariously on the dashboard. 50, It's an ideal choice for enterprise and individual processors that scalding a more perfect product. 51, When in use, the ballonet in the straw plugs the straw upon encountering high-temperature, so that the thermal liquor can not be suctioned to the mouth, thereby protecting the mouth from scalding. 52, Objective: To explore the mechanism of vanadate in improving the insulin resistance and glucose metabolism disorder after severe scalding in rats. 53, Conclusion: Anisodamine can relieve the scalding injury by inhibiting lipid peroxidation reaction. 54, The birds are then plunged into a scalding tank to loosen their feathers to aid plucking. 55, " Even this little bitch is taking liberties with me - giving me scalding hot porridge to eat!