conceptual造句121. Consent, which lies at the root of self-determination, should be the conceptual mechanism whereby the right is guaranteed and safeguarded.
122. It was necessary for him to transcend the terms of the old conceptual system by developing a new one.
123. Against the first objection, I hope to show in this chapter that the conceptual distinction is far from mere pedantry.
124. The conceptual framework it has produced is particularly pertinent to the discussion here.
125. Whereas conceptual art chooses to break the link between art and craft, it is this link that any painting re-enacts.
126. After discussions with the client, a neutral viewpoint is selected as the basis for a root definition and conceptual model.
127. Can similar considerations be applied to the reality or the unreality, in their effect, of the objects of conceptual belief?
128. Have I had the kinds of experiences that give conceptual and interpersonal skills?
129. Lakoff and several others in his field have demonstrated, how-ever, that nearly all conceptual and abstract thought is structured metaphorically.
130. I should like to pursue this argument through the use of Benjamin's conceptual framework in the analysis of postmodernist cultural forms.
131. His conceptual approach to problems and decision-making is supported, mostly positively, by a superior general intellect.
132. The conceptual distinction between primary and secondary clues made this much clearer than it would otherwise have been.
133. Is not that a confusion of conceptual analysis and normative argument?
134. Early sensorimotor development is the foundation on which later conceptual development is built.
135. In such a situation, further collection of data may be pointless in the absence of any fresh conceptual insight.
136. At this point, we might step back and attempt some conceptual clarification from other angles.
137. Conceptual factors are those which limit our ability to draw conclusions from experiments, even if they are technically perfect.
138. Figure 4 offers a conceptual view of this solution.
139. There seemed little conceptual alternative.
140. She then explained some of the conceptual knowledge.
141. a conceptual framework within which children's needs are assessed.
142. Escalation has conceptual affinities with bargaining theory.
142. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday!
143. Loss of information through transformation or conceptual mismatch.
144. The forth chapter"Counterplea of Product Defect"is the complement of conceptual standards for determining defectiveness, which is an important part of product defect legal system.
145. Starting with setting forth the theories of conceptual change, it elucidates that declarative knowledge supports conceptual change.
146. Much of this conceptual material will become invalid as our knowledge of cardiac function advances.
147. Conceptual design of the hydrogen system of cold neutron source (CNS) in China Advanced Research Reactor (CARR) was proposed, and feasibility test was carried out.
148. That realizes the quick index of the similar case of the deceleration machine conceptual product.
149. In this paper , for a analysis to conceptual comprehension of grown-up college, extent of teaching evaluation and structure of first and second rating indicatrix system.
150. Using the methods of natural classifying and multi-dimensional scale, this paper probed into the conceptual structure of kinship words of Naxi nationality.