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151. I'll take a deeper look at each of these tasks at the conceptual level before exploring their implementations in Mahout. 152. Basically, I am trying to share with you all I have, currently, in my attempt to learn and master the conceptual help support in Sandcastle . 153. NORG's Bohemian two third length, roman period cobber buttons, sophisticated cutting, light and thin material. It is a great conceptual design for the warming climates. 154. Figure 11 shows the conceptual structure of TPS, sometimes called "TPS House". 155. Your text outlines a conceptual view of how data are organized in information systems. 156. According to the conceptual model of high-level radioactive waste geological disposal repository, thermal conductivity equipment of compacted bentonite block is designed for teaching and research. 157. Figure 3 shows a conceptual view of the base tables for the address relationship described in Example 1. 158. Angeline: Actually, this is a conceptual album, incorporating the flavours of the Middle East and Love. Also, because of this album, we've increased our knowledge of the River Nile. 159. Allan Snyder and John Mitchell of the Centre for the Mind in Canberra , Australia, argue that savant brain processes occur in each of us but are overwhelmed by more sophisticated conceptual cognition. 160. Challenging and critically analyzing the authority and the mainstream opinions has remained the engine that empowers artistic creation since Dadaism and the conceptual art movement. 161. The result is a new conceptual framework for the analysis of customer satisfaction in retailing. 162. CLO consists of a series of ALOs and CLOs, it represents the course conceptual structure and the relationship between knowledge points. 163. Words have sociocultural meaning as well as denotative or conceptual meaning. 164. NET Entity Framework uses a DSL called conceptual schema definition language ( CSDL ) to define conceptual models. 165. Besides, composition, completion, and elaboration as three cognitive processes of conceptual integration theory are also used in the analysis of synaesthetic metaphor. 166. BlastX is used to compare the conceptual translations of a DNA sequence against a protein sequence database. 167. A favorite quote of mine is from p. 250: "As always, if you propose to build something, make sure it has some conceptual integrity--it should not be merely a collection of unrelated "features". 168. Reasoning algorithm based on polychromatic sets theory for conceptual design of mechanical products is brought forward. 169. Conceptual alarm clock based on digital paper. To switch the alarm off, just scrunch it up. 170. It also makes his brand distinctively conceptual and lends more mystique to his name. 171. Conceptual design is an indispensable stage in fixture design automation. It is also a bottleneck problem. 172. Section II provides a conceptual framework of financing - motivated mergers and acquisitions under financial repression. 173. The conceptual data model defines the major business entities, generalizations of those entities, and relationships between the entities. 174. Structural metaphor is a mapping from one conceptual structure to another. 175. Man has discovered a remarkably simple conceptual model with which to characterize matter. 176. The non-instrumental feature of language is the cause of different expressions in the "sayable" and "unsayahle" facts as well as the conceptual and non-fine discrimination of expressions. 177. Chapters 3, 9, and 10 discuss conceptual - level design principles. 178. The decrease in the Chinese fertility rate has both its substantial space:scale space, structure space, policy space and comparison space, and its conceptual space. 179. By contrasting advantage and disadvantage to knowledge representation, Conceptual Dependency (CD) theory and Production System was chosen as a method of knowledge representation. 180. This conceptual data model is the basis for both current and future phases of data warehouse development.