快好知 kuaihz

181. The child was reportedly stuck between an elevator car and the elevator shaft at a residential dwelling. 182. The Chinese large land and effulgent culture not only foster Chinese generation and generation, but also create rich and colorful dwelling culture. 183. Children run in the cave dwelling as an exercise , Qian County , Shaanxi Province, China. 184. The research and analysis of the loess cave dwelling disaster not only has the engineering background, but also has important humanity and ecological significance. 185. And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews , devout men, out of every nation under heaven. 186. They enjoy the comfort and banal luxury of their dwelling. 187. The sixth problem concerns interplanetary and inter - system dwelling , between earthly lives. 188. Modern facilities together with longstanding styling have created matchless dwelling places. 189. Now they bought a dwelling by installment and her father pay for the first initial payment for them, so happy couple, right? 190. Energy consuming in dwelling building occupies quite a few proportion in total energy consumption. 191. The construction pattern of cave dwelling suggests many remarkable principles, and involves a series of questions of common architectural interests. 192. And in God's house forevermore My dwelling place shall be. A - MEN. 193. Shou-jin-liao (Zonary Bungalow) is a type of traditional dwelling with unique local flavor. 194. The results showed that soil moisture content, normal load, load dwelling time, and their interactions had important influence on the soil adhesion. 195. The National Electric Code, in Article 690.5, requires that any PV array installed on the roof of a dwelling must incorporate a ground-fault protection device to reduce fire hazards. 196. Stop being a fuddy-duddy any more, always dwelling on the past just means nothing! 197. In mixed communities, of forest dwelling and settled peoples, the forest dwellers are rarely consulted, but are grateful for any employment of largess their receive. 198. The character of this paper is that the linear recursive analysis is adopted on the prediction of demand and supply in Xi"an dwelling house market on which the strategy study is based on." 199. Ira Block is a master at photographing difficult subjects like this cliff dwelling at Mesa Verde in Colorado. 200. Behind every apartment - houses, beside each dwelling, were small garages. 201. Mr. Wang: Shijiagou is a cave dwelling building in Shanxi, in fact it is a hillside building which located in a valley with the terrain. 202. About one hundred people lived in this cliff dwelling during the thirteenth century. 203. This lack of information on the Miro's dwelling place is largely due to the fact that we have been unable to obtain a single photograph of the Miro looking comfortable in its surroundings. 204. Spruce Tree House is the easiest cliff dwelling to visit. The path curves down into the valley and then up to the ruin. 205. The flags represent 40 different nationalities, all currently dwelling in the Rockford area significant numbers. 206. Globally speaking, the market size stands at hundreds of thousands of Longevity Dwelling Houses. 207. Instead of dwelling in excuses and lamentations, celebrate positive and valuable results. 208. Today the word suggests a rustic dwelling or inn in a natural setting, often one used seasonally (e. g. , a ski lodge). 209. Hammarus is a sandhopper dwelling in the fresh water reservoirs. 210. While continuously proving a shelter to human Longevity Dwelling House can prolong human's life span.