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91. The existing problems were identified, and precaution strategies for future biodiversity protection and sustainable development of the regio... 92. They had been placed, by way of precaution, on the lower story. 93. Faber unlocked the back door - a precaution for fast exit - before entering the hall. 94. The latter step—to move the inetd configuration file out of its standard location—is merely a precaution. 95. What does the sort of sparge agent of precaution and disease of remedial brothers mouth call? 96. The causes of vulcanizer burning of rubber footwear during production were discussed and analyzed. The precaution measure were also suggested. 97. Safety policy: Safety first, precaution crucial; People oriented, treatment comprehensive. 98. In the meantime, want to do good precaution work, be like strict bedside aseptic manipulation and segregation, notice the cleanness of oral cavity, skin, pudenda , help patient turns over more. 99. As a precaution, it may be necessary to fit zener diodes D3 and D4 to protect D2 if extremely large transient voltages are likely. 100. In addition, the precaution with unusual leucorrhoea, answer above all abstemious sex, notice the sanitation of menses, gestation and puerperium . 101. As an example a typical security precaution setup the CISCO routing is illustrated. 102. You should save your work often as a precaution against computer failure. 103. Electromagnetic Transient Program (EMTP) is used to simulate this kind of over voltages and precaution. 104. The venture capital organizations profoundly realized the essentiality and necessity of risk analysis and risk precaution. 105. I had taken the precaution of doing a little research before I left London. 106. And while it's also important on a single-user system, there's nothing wrong with side-stepping the precaution and giving yourself permission to run or open the file in question. 107. But, in this instance, he had brought the brass knuckles as a limited precaution. 108. Objective To explore the muscular flaps design, metastasis and precaution for necrose for head and neck neoplasms defect after operation. 109. Very hesitatingly I selected a tube of blue paint, and with infinite precaution made a mark about as big as a bean on the snow-white field. 110. As a precaution Tokyo Electric Power Company has evacuated all non-essential personnel from the unit. 111. This paper emphasized the analysis of the formative reason for boiler scale and its harm, and presented the precaution measures and solutions. 112. His cunning began here; he smiled habitually, by way of precaution, and was almost polite to everybody, even to the beggar to whom he refused half a farthing. 113. Result These measures worked efficiently on precaution and control for hospital infection in department of stomatology. 114. This paper provides with glory-hole breakdown reason and the relevant precaution. 115. When deploy safety precaution, we still need the nimbleness of certain level, satisfying business end and requirement while, maintain the security of higher level. 116. Jean Valjean advanced with precaution, taking care not to knock against the furniture. 117. Objective To investigate the acute damage of lymphatic vessel of rats and the precaution of lymphatic metastasis by high intensity focused ultrasound(HIFU). 118. Officers go in at gunpoint as a precaution, as many houses have been vandalized or occupied by squatters or drug addicts. 119. But Billy had taken the precaution to get behind a tree, andthe drop on his rival. 120. As an extra precaution against an ongoing down market, Narayanan suggests building in a "margin of safety": a 3 to 5 percent premium over the target hurdle rate.