快好知 kuaihz

1. The polar explorers took every precaution to minimize the dangers of their trip. 2. He took the precaution of locking his door when he went out. 3. Many people have been stockpiling food as a precaution against shortages. 4. I'll keep the letter as a precaution. 5. I took the precaution of insuring my camera. 6. The machine was railed off as a safety precaution. 7. We must fence our machine about with much precaution. 8. I took the precaution of clearing out my desk before I left. 9. We take every precaution to ensure that you have a comfortable journey. 10. I took the precaution of turning the water supply off first. 11. Save your work often as a precaution against computer failure. 12. I took the precaution of locking money in the safe. 13. I took the precaution of locking everything in the safe. 14. She was taken to hospital as a precaution. 15. Seemed like a sensible precaution to me. 16. We take every precaution to avoid accidents. 17. Carrying an ice axe is, however, a wise precaution. 18. More precaution than that seemed obsessive. 19. And Colchester Zoo has been shut as a precaution. 20. It turned out to be a wise precaution. 21. This wise precaution preserved the Garden for posterity. 22. I took the precaution of setting the comms to automatic response. 23. A fundamental precaution against both pest and disease problems is keeping the garden clean and tidy. 24. The fact woke them up to the need for the safety precaution. 25. The trails are well marked, but carrying a map is a wise precaution. 26. She had to stay in hospital overnight, just as a precaution. 27. We are aware of the potential problems and have taken every precaution. 28. The traffic barriers were put there as a safety precaution. 29. Residents of the building were evacuated by firefighters as a precaution. 30. Without another word she turned and made her way upstairs, using the crutch only as an added safety precaution.